- thankee
- [ʹθæŋkı] прост. = thank you [см. thank II]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
thankee — /thang kee/, interj. Chiefly Dial. thank you. [1815 25; by alter.] * * * … Universalium
thankee — interj. (British) thank you … English contemporary dictionary
thankee — thank·ee … English syllables
thankee — … Useful english dictionary
The Dark Tower glossary — portal|The Dark TowerThe following terms are used in The Dark Tower, a series of books by Stephen King. The series incorporates elements from several genres, but is in many ways a work of epic fantasy. The author created an original setting, All… … Wikipedia
Сэй — sai 1. уважительное обращение ко взрослому мужчине или женщине У вас такой мелодичный голос, улыбнулся он. Но час поздний, вы одна, и я думаю, что остаток пути мы можем пройти вдвоем. Вы ездите верхом, сэй? (ТБ 4) The thought which crossed her… … Тёмная башня Стивена Кинга. Толковый словарь к книге.
The Dark Tower (series) — For other uses, see The Dark Tower (disambiguation). The Dark Tower The Dark Tower painting by Michael Whelan The Gunslinger (1982) The Drawing of the Three (1987) The … Wikipedia
charm — obsolete to effect a magical cure A charm was originally the singing of a song, whence an incantation, and the medical virtuosity of a charmer, or white witch: Soom folk says it s hall bosh about charmin yer cock... Mah feyther took… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
thank — v 1. acknowledge, be grateful, give thanks, offer thanks, show one s appreciation, tender thanks; recognize, credit; appreciate, tip, requite, reward, return; repay, recompense, return a favor. n 2. thanks acknowledgement, credit, cognizance,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Пер — pere сущ.; фр.; SK, DT 5 от фр. père транслитерация pere 1. отец (в семье) grand pere дед Gran pere sat in his corner chair by the dead fire, head bent over, dozing and drizzling from his folded, toothless mouth. Дедушка сидел в кресле у… … Тёмная башня Стивена Кинга. Толковый словарь к книге.
thanky — interjection see thankee … Useful english dictionary