- thanatology
- [͵θænəʹtɒlədʒı] n
танатология (изучение смерти, её причин и проявлений)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Thanatology — is the academic, and often scientific, study of death among human beings. It investigates the circumstances surrounding a person s death, the grief experienced by the deceased s loved ones, and larger social attitudes towards death such as ritual … Wikipedia
Thanatology — Than a*tol o*gy (th[a^]n [.a]*t[o^]l [ o]*j[y^]), n. [Gr. qa natos + logy.] A description, or the doctrine, of death. Dunglison. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thanatology — (n.) scientific study of death, 1842, from Gk. thanatos death (from PIE *dhwene to disappear, die, perhaps from root meaning dark, cloudy ) + LOGY (Cf. logy). Thanatism (1900) is the belief that at death the soul ceases to exist. Hence also… … Etymology dictionary
thanatology — [than΄ə täl′ə jē] n. [ THANATO + LOGY] the study of death, esp. of the medical, psychological, and social problems associated with dying thanatologist n … English World dictionary
thanatology — thanatological /than euh tl oj i keuhl/, adj. thanatologist, n. /than euh tol euh jee/, n. 1. the study of death and its surrounding circumstances, as in forensic medicine. 2. Psychiatry. the study of the effects of death and dying, esp. the… … Universalium
thanatology — noun Etymology: Greek thanatos + English logy Date: circa 1842 the description or study of the phenomena of death and of psychological mechanisms for coping with them • thanatological adjective • thanatologist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
thanatology — noun /θanəˈtɒlədʒi/ The study of human aspects of death and the associated grief and rituals … Wiktionary
thanatology — The branch of science concerned with the study of death and dying. [thanato + G. logos, study] * * * than·a·tol·o·gy .than ə täl ə jē n, pl gies the description or study of the phenomena of death and of psychological mechanisms for coping with… … Medical dictionary
thanatology — study of death and its customs Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
thanatology — n. branch of science that studies death and medical and psychological/sociological aspects related to it; scientific study of death … English contemporary dictionary
thanatology — [ˌθanə tɒlədʒi] noun the scientific study of death and practices associated with it. Derivatives thanatological adjective thanatologist noun Origin C19: from Gk thanatos death + logy … English new terms dictionary