- thallotoxicosis
- [͵θælətɒksıʹkəʋsıs] n
отравление таллием
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
thallotoxicosis — Poisoning by thallium; marked by stomatitis, gastroenteritis, peripheral and retrobulbar neuritis, endocrine disorders, and alopecia. [thallium + G. toxikon, poison, + osis, condition … Medical dictionary
Thallium poisoning — Poisoning with the element thallium which enters the environment primarily from coal burning and smelting. It stays in the air, water, and soil for a long time and is not broken down. It builds up in fish and shellfish. The major source of… … Medical dictionary