- big bud
- [ʹbıgbʌd]
столбур (болезнь растений)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
big-bud — bigˈ bud noun A swelling of currant buds caused by a gall mite • • • Main Entry: ↑big … Useful english dictionary
big bud — noun 1. : any of several diseases of plants characterized by abnormal swelling of the buds: as a. : such a condition in currants caused by a gall mite (Eriophyes ribis) b. : a virus disease of the tomato 2. also big bud hickory … Useful english dictionary
big-bud hickory — gauruotoji karija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Riešutmedinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, medieninis augalas (Carya tomentosa), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Carya tomentosa angl. big bud hickory; mockernut hickory; white heart… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
big-bud hickory — noun smooth barked North American hickory with 7 to 9 leaflets bearing a hard shelled edible nut • Syn: ↑mockernut, ↑mockernut hickory, ↑black hickory, ↑white heart hickory, ↑Carya tomentosa • Hypernyms: ↑hickory, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
big bud — noun a disease of blackcurrant bushes in which the buds become swollen due to the presence of mites … English new terms dictionary
big — adj. & adv. adj. (bigger, biggest) 1 a of considerable size, amount, intensity, etc. (a big mistake; a big helping). b of a large or the largest size (big toe; big drum). 2 important; significant; outstanding (the big race; my big chance). 3 a… … Useful english dictionary
Bud Lindemann — Gordon Bud Lindemann (born August 22 1925 in Chicago, Illinois ndash; 1983) was a pioneer in motor sports broadcasting. Early historyLindemann graduated from high school in 1940. He joined the United States Coast Guard during World War II, and… … Wikipedia
Bud Wilkinson — (right) with President John F. Kennedy, during a 1961 visit to the White House Sport(s) Football Biographical details … Wikipedia
Bud Shank — in 2006 Background information Born 27 May 1926(1926 05 27) Origin … Wikipedia
Bud Plays Bird — Album par Bud Powell Sortie 1958 puis 1996 Enregistrement 14 octobre 1957, 2 décembre 1957, 30 janvier 1958 Durée 65:47 Genre Jazz Producteur Rudy Tra … Wikipédia en Français
Bud Neill — (1911 ndash;1970) was an innovative Scottish cartoonist who drew cartoon strips for a number of Glasgow based newspapers between the 1940s and 1960s. Following his death, his work has attained cult status with a worldwide following. Early… … Wikipedia