
1. [ʹtɜ:mınıt] a
1. ограниченный

terminate decimal (fraction) - мат. непериодическая десятичная дробь

2. грам. терминативный, предельный
2. [ʹtɜ:mıneıt] v
1. 1) завершать, класть конец

to terminate a controversy - класть конец спору

the right to terminate a contract - право расторжения контракта

to have one's pregnancy terminated - прерывать беременность, сделать аборт

2) заканчиваться, завершаться; оканчиваться

to terminate at eleven o'clock - окончиться в одиннадцать часов

hostilities terminated at sundown - с заходом солнца военные действия /стычки/ прекращались

the chapter terminates with El Greco - глава заканчивается рассмотрением Эль Греко /на Эль Греко/

the evening's entertainment terminated in a dance - вечер закончился танцами

the word terminates in ❝-ism❞ - слово кончается на -ism

3) (in) приводить (к чему-л.)
2. 1) ограничивать; ставить предел

to terminate a surface - ограничивать поверхность (чего-л.)

2) ограничиваться; обрываться
3. амер. увольнять

to terminate a number of workers - уволить большое число рабочих

4. эл. присоединять к клемме, зажиму

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "terminate" в других словарях:

  • terminate — ter·mi·nate / tər mə ˌnāt/ vb nat·ed, nat·ing vi: to come to an end in time or effect vt 1: to bring to a definite end esp. before a natural conclusion terminate a contract compare cancel …   Law dictionary

  • terminate — ter‧mi‧nate [ˈtɜːmneɪt ǁ ˈtɜːr ] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] if something terminates, or if you terminate it, it ends: • Their three year partnership was terminated. • The contract terminated in April. 2. [transitive] HUMAN RESOURCES to… …   Financial and business terms

  • Terminate — (terminat.exe) was a shareware modem terminal and host program for MS DOS and compatible operating systems developed from the early to the late 1990s by the Dane Bo Bendtsen. The last release (5.00) was made in 1997; no details are still… …   Wikipedia

  • Terminate — Ter mi*nate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Terminated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Terminating}.] [L. terminatus, p. p. of terminare. See {Term}.] 1. To set a term or limit to; to form the extreme point or side of; to bound; to limit; as, to terminate a surface by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Terminate — Ter mi*nate, v. i. 1. To be limited in space by a point, line, or surface; to stop short; to end; to cease; as, the torrid zone terminates at the tropics. [1913 Webster] 2. To come to a limit in time; to end; to close. [1913 Webster] The wisdom… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • terminate — ► VERB 1) bring to an end. 2) (terminate in) have an end at or resolution in. 3) (of a train or bus service) end its journey. 4) end (a pregnancy) before term by artificial means. 5) chiefly N. Amer. end the employment of. 6) euphemistic, chiefly …   English terms dictionary

  • terminate — (v.) 1610s, to bring to an end, from L. terminatus, pp. of terminare to limit, end (see TERMINUS (Cf. terminus)). Sense of to come to an end is recorded from 1640s; meaning dismiss from a job is recorded from 1973; that of to assassinate is from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • terminate — end, *close, conclude, finish, complete Analogous words: *abolish, extinguish, abate: *stop, cease, discontinue …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • terminate — is a formal word for ‘stop or bring to an end’, as in terminating a pregnancy, an agreement being terminated, and a train that terminates at Paris. In general contexts, a simpler word such as stop or end should normally be used …   Modern English usage

  • terminate — [v] stop, finish abolish, abort, achieve, adjourn, annul, bounce, bound, bring to an end, cancel, cease, close, come to an end, complete, conclude, confine, cut off, define, desist, determine, discharge, discontinue, dismiss, dissolve, drop,… …   New thesaurus

  • terminate — [tʉr′mə nāt΄] vt. terminated, terminating [< L terminatus, pp. of terminare, to end, limit < terminus: see TERM2] 1. to bring to an end in space or time; form the end or conclusion of; limit, bound, finish, or conclude 2. to put an end to;… …   English World dictionary

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