termer — [tʉr′mər] n. a person serving a specified term, esp. in prison: usually in hyphenated compounds [third termer] … English World dictionary
Termer — Term er, n. 1. One who resorted to London during the law term only, in order to practice tricks, to carry on intrigues, or the like. [Obs.] [Written also {termor}.] B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) One who has an estate for a term of years or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ţermer — ŢÉRMER s. v. cartof. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime … Dicționar Român
Termer — Franz Termer (* 5. Juli 1894 in Berlin; † 15. April 1968 in Hamburg) war ein deutscher Ethnologe und Amerikanist. Franz Termer war ab 1929 Professor für Geografie und Ethnologie an der Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg. Von 1935 bis 1962… … Deutsch Wikipedia
termer — noun Date: 1634 a person serving for a specified term (as in a political office or in prison) < a first termer > … New Collegiate Dictionary
termer — /terr meuhr/, n. a person who is serving a term, esp. in prison (usually used in combination): a first termer. [1625 35; TERM + ER1] * * * … Universalium
termer — (tèr mé) v. a. Terme d eaux et forêts. Termer une vente, assigner le lieu et le jour de son adjudication. HISTORIQUE XVIe s. • Vienne sur champs, mais avec son armée, Vous presenter la bataille termée, Il la perdra..., MAROT II, 305.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
termer — term•er [[t]ˈtɜr mər[/t]] n. a person who is serving a term, esp. in prison (usu. used in combination): a first termer[/ex] • Etymology: 1625–35 … From formal English to slang
termer — noun One who has an estate for a term of years or for life … Wiktionary
Termer — Tẹrmer, Franz, Geograph und Amerikanist, * Berlin 5. 7. 1894, ✝ Hamburg 15. 4. 1968; ab 1929 Professor für Geographie und Ethnologie in Würzburg, 1935 62 Professor für Ethnologie und Direktor des Museums für Völkerkunde in Hamburg; befasste… … Universal-Lexikon
Termer — Oldromersk badeanstalter … Danske encyklopædi