big bang theory

big bang theory
«большой взрыв» (теория происхождения Вселенной)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "big bang theory" в других словарях:

  • big bang theory — ig bang theory n. (Astronomy, Cosmology) The theory that the known universe originated in an explosive event (the {big bang}) in which all of the matter and energy of the universe was contained in a single point and began to rapidly expand and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • big bang theory — big bang .theory n the big bang theory the idea that the universe began with a single large explosion (the big bang ), and that the pieces are still flying apart →↑steady state theory …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • big-bang theory — [big′baŋ′] n. a theory of cosmology holding that the expansion of the universe began with a gigantic explosion (big bang) between 12 and 20 billion years ago: see STEADY STATE THEORY * * * …   Universalium

  • big-bang theory — [big′baŋ′] n. a theory of cosmology holding that the expansion of the universe began with a gigantic explosion (big bang) between 12 and 20 billion years ago: see STEADY STATE THEORY …   English World dictionary

  • Big Bang Theory — Seriendaten Originaltitel: The Big Bang Theory Produktionsland: USA Produktionsjahr(e): seit 2007 Episodenlänge: etwa 22 Minuten Episodenanzahl: 38+ in 2+ Staffeln Originalsprache …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Big Bang Theory — The Big Bang Theory Pour les articles homonymes, voir Big Bang (homonymie). The Big Bang Theory Logo de The Big Bang Theory …   Wikipédia en Français

  • big bang theory — noun (cosmology) the theory that the universe originated sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature • Syn: ↑big bang theory • Topics:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • big-bang theory — noun (cosmology) the theory that the universe originated sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature • Syn: ↑big bang theory • Topics:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • big bang theory — N SING: the N In astronomy the big bang theory is a theory that suggests that the universe was created as a result of an extremely large explosion …   English dictionary

  • big bang theory — big′ bang′ the ory n. astron. a theory that the universe began with an explosion of a dense mass of matter and is still expanding from the force of that explosion • Etymology: 1950–55 …   From formal English to slang

  • Big Bang Theory (Harem Scarem album) — Infobox Album Name = Big Bang Theory Type = Studio Artist = Harem Scarem Released = July 5 [ [ show=7 Harem Scarem | Discography Big Bang Theory ] ] , 1998 Recorded = 1998 Genre = Hard rock,… …   Wikipedia

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