- tercentennial
- 1. [͵tɜ:senʹtenıəl] = tercentenary I 2 и II 2. [͵tɜ:senʹtenıəl] = tercentenary I 2 и II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tercentennial — noun The three hundredth anniversary of an event; tricentennial. 2006 was the tercentennial of Benajmin Franklins birth … Wiktionary
tercentennial — tercentenary ► NOUN (pl. tercentenaries) ▪ a three hundredth anniversary. DERIVATIVES tercentennial adjective & noun … English terms dictionary
tercentennial — adjective or noun Date: 1872 tercentenary … New Collegiate Dictionary
tercentennial — ter·cen·ten·ni·al (tûr sĕn tĕnʹē əl) n. A tercentenary. adj. Tercentenary. * * * … Universalium
tercentennial — n. three hundredth anniversary … English contemporary dictionary
tercentennial — ter·centennial … English syllables
tercentennial — ter•cen•ten•ni•al [[t]ˌtɜr sɛnˈtɛn i əl[/t]] adj. 1) cvb pertaining to a period of 300 years 2) cvb marking the completion of such a period 3) cvb a 300th anniversary or its celebration … From formal English to slang
tercentennial — /tɜsənˈtɛniəl/ (say tersuhn teneeuhl) adjective 1. consisting of or lasting 300 years. 2. recurring every 300 years. –noun 3. US → tercentenary. {Latin ter thrice + centennial} …
tercentennial — adj. & n. adj. 1 occurring every three hundred years. 2 lasting three hundred years. n. a tercentenary … Useful english dictionary
Harvard Bixi — Harvard s Chinese Stele Harvard Bixi Harvard Bixi with Widener Library in the background Location Cambridge, Massachusetts Type Chinese Ste … Wikipedia
Robert Hooke — Robert Hooke: Kurator für Experimente an der Royal Society, Geometrieprofessor des Gresham College und Landvermesser der Stadt London; Uhrenbauer, Astronom, Mikroskopierer, Geologe, Physiologe, Architekt, Naturphilosoph und Englands Leonardo … Deutsch Wikipedia