Смотреть что такое "abbey" в других словарях:
Abbey — (englisch Abtei) bezeichnet: Abbey (Familienname), siehe dort für Namensträger Abbey ist Ortsname von: Abbey (Devon), eine Gemeinde in Devonshire, Vereinigtes Königreich Abbey Dore, eine Gemeinde in Herefordshire Abbey Green, eine Gemeinde in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Abbey — Ab bey ([a^]b b[y^]), n.; pl. {Abbeys} ( b[i^]z). [OF. aba[ i]e, abba[ i]e, F. abbaye, L. abbatia, fr. abbas abbot. See {Abbot}.] 1. A monastery or society of persons of either sex, secluded from the world and devoted to religion and celibacy;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Abbey — • A monastery canonically erected and autonomous, with a community of not fewer than twelve religious; monks under the government of an abbot; nuns under that of an abbess Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Abbey Abbey … Catholic encyclopedia
abbey — [ab′ē] n. [ME abbeie < OFr abaie < LL(Ec) abbatia, ABBACY] 1. a monastery headed by an abbot, or a convent of nuns headed by an abbess 2. the monks or nuns in such a place, collectively 3. a church or building belonging to an abbey SYN.… … English World dictionary
Abbey — [ æbɪ], Edward, amerikanischer Schriftsteller, * in Arizona 29. 1. 1927, ✝ Tucson (Arizona) 14. 3. 1989; einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter der neuen Literatur des Westens in den USA; knüpft an die Tradition der naturverbundenen Cowboys an, die… … Universal-Lexikon
Abbey — Nom anglais désignant celui qui habite près d une abbaye, éventuellement celui qui y travaille. Variante : Abbay … Noms de famille
abbey — (n.) mid 13c., convent headed by an abbot or abbess, from Anglo Fr. abbeie, O.Fr. abaïe, from L.L. abbatia, from abbas (gen. abbatis); see ABBOT (Cf. abbot) … Etymology dictionary
abbey — *cloister, convent, nunnery, monastery, priory … New Dictionary of Synonyms
abbey — [n] building that houses monks, nuns, or priests; church cloister, convent, friary, ministry, monastery, nunnery, priory, temple; concepts 368,439 … New thesaurus
abbey — ► NOUN (pl. abbeys) ▪ an establishment occupied by a community of monks or nuns. ORIGIN Old French abbeie, from Latin abbas abbot … English terms dictionary
Abbey — An abbey (from Latin abbatia, derived from Syriac abba, father ), is a Christian monastery or convent, under the government of an Abbot or an Abbess, who serves as the spiritual father or mother of the community.Some cities were ruled by heads of … Wikipedia