- tentorium
- [tenʹtɔ:rıəm] n (pl -ria) лат.
тенториум, внутренний скелет (головы насекомых)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tentorium — bezeichnet Eine querverlaufende Struktur zwischen dem Okzipitallappen des Großhirns und dem Kleinhirn; das Tentorium cerebelli (dt. Kleinhirnzelt). Eine Skelettstruktur im Kopf von Wirbellosen; siehe Tentorium (Wirbellose). Ein römisches Zelt,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tentorium — Ten*to ri*um, n. [L., a tent.] (Anat.) A fold of the dura mater which separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum and often incloses a process or plate of the skull called the bony tentorium. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
TENTORIUM — a tendendo: De militibus proprie, quorum Tentoria antiquitus e pellibus fuisse, docet Val. Maxim. l. 2. c. 7. ex 15. Decreverunt, ut ex iis, qui equô meruerunt, peditum numerô militarent; qui pedites fuerant, in funditorum auxilia… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Tentorĭum — (lat.), Zelt. T. des Cerebellums, so v.w. Gehirnzelt, s.u. Gehirnhäute … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tentorium — • Tentorĭum, см. Tabernaculum, Табернакулум … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Tentorium — The tentorium (plural tentoria) is a term used to refer to the framework of internal supports (a false endoskeleton) within an arthropod head. The tentorium is formed by ingrowths of the exoskeleton, called apophyses, which fuse in various ways… … Wikipedia
tentorium — n.; pl. oria [L. tentorium, tent] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Two anterior and two posterior apodemes (arms) that form the internal skeleton of the head, serving as a brace for the head and for the attachment of muscles; in Culicidae, the right and… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
tentorium — tentorial, adj. /ten tawr ee euhm, tohr /, n., pl. tentoria / tawr ee euh, tohr /. 1. Anat. an extension of one of the membranes covering the cerebrum which, with the transverse fissure, separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. 2. Zool. (of an … Universalium
tentorium — noun a) The framework of internal supports (a false endoskeleton) within an arthropod head, formed by ingrowths of the exoskeleton called apophyses. b) The tentorium cerebelli … Wiktionary
tentorium — A membranous cover or horizontal partition. [L. tent, fr. tendo, to stretch] t. cerebelli [TA] a strong fold of dura mater roofing over the posterior cranial fossa with an anterior median opening, the tentorial … Medical dictionary
tentorium — ten•to•ri•um [[t]tɛnˈtɔr i əm, ˈtoʊr [/t]] n. pl. to•ri•a [[t] ˈtɔr i ə, ˈtoʊr [/t]] zool. the internal skeleton of an insect s head • Etymology: 1655–65; < NL tentōrium, L: tent < ten(dere) to extend, stretch ten•to′ri•al, adj … From formal English to slang