- teleran
- [ʹtelıræn] n ав.
телеран (система ближней телевизионной радиолокационной навигации)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
teleran — ☆ teleran [tel′ə ran΄ ] n. [tele(vision) r(adar) a(ir) n(avigation)] an electronic aid to aerial navigation by which data received by radar, maps of the terrain, etc. are transmitted to aircraft by television … English World dictionary
teleran — /tel euh ran /, n. (sometimes cap.) a navigational aid that uses radar to map the sky above an airfield, which, together with a map of the airfield itself, is transmitted by television to aircraft approaching the field. [1945 50; short for… … Universalium
teleran — Synonyms and related words: VAR, airborne radar, astronavigation, automatic electronic navigation, aviation radar, celestial navigation, consolan, electronic navigation, loran, navar, navigation, omnidirectional range, omnirange, radar, radar… … Moby Thesaurus
Teleran — Te|le|ran 〈n.; Gen.: s; Pl.: unz.; Flugw.〉 Navigationsverfahren für Luftfahrzeuge, eine Kombination aus Radar u. Fernsehen … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
teleran — tel·e·ran … English syllables
teleran — tel•e•ran [[t]ˈtɛl əˌræn[/t]] n. (sometimes cap.) a navigational aid that uses radar to map the sky above an airfield, which, together with a map of the airfield itself, is transmitted by television to aircraft approaching the field • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
teleran — /ˈtɛləræn/ (say teluhran) noun a system of aircraft navigation using radar to map the sky above an airfield, which, together with the map of the airfield itself and other pertinent data, is transmitted by television to the aeroplane approaching… …
teleran — n. navigation system transmitting ground based radar scan to aircraft by television … Dictionary of difficult words
teleran — ˈteləˌran noun ( s) Etymology: television radar navigation : a system of aerial navigation in which ground radar scans the area about an airport and the results are televised so that the pilot of an airplane sees the positions of all craft in the … Useful english dictionary
celestial navigation — Synonyms and related words: VAR, aspect, astronavigation, attitude, automatic electronic navigation, azimuth, bearing, bearings, chronometer, coastwise navigation, consolan, dead reckoning, electronic navigation, exposure, fix, frontage, lay, lie … Moby Thesaurus
loran — Synonyms and related words: Gyrosin compass, RDF, VAR, astronavigation, automatic electronic navigation, celestial navigation, chronometer, coastwise navigation, compass, consolan, dead reckoning, direction finder, electronic navigation, fix,… … Moby Thesaurus