- biddable
- [ʹbıdəb(ə)l] a
1. послушный2. сильный (о картах)
a biddable hand at bridge - хорошая карта в бридже
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
a biddable hand at bridge - хорошая карта в бридже
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
biddable — [bid′ə bəl] adj. 1. ready to do as bidden; obedient 2. worth bidding on [a biddable bridge hand] … English World dictionary
Biddable — Bid da*ble, a. Obedient; docile. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
biddable — index loyal, obedient, pliable, resigned Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
biddable — docile, amenable, tractable, *obedient Analogous words: *compliant, acquiescent: obliging, complaisant, good natured, *amiable: submissive, *tame Antonyms: willful Contrasted words: intractable, refractory, recalcitrant, headstrong, ungovernable … New Dictionary of Synonyms
biddable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ meekly ready to accept and follow instructions … English terms dictionary
biddable — biddability, biddableness, n. biddably, adv. /bid euh beuhl/, adj. 1. Cards. adequate to bid upon: a biddable suit. 2. willing to do what is asked; obedient; tractable; docile: a biddable child. 3. that may be acquired by bidding: biddable… … Universalium
biddable — bid|da|ble [ bıdəbl ] adjective someone who is biddable does what people tell them without arguing or complaining … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
biddable — UK [ˈbɪdəb(ə)l] / US adjective someone who is biddable does what people tell them without arguing or complaining … English dictionary
biddable — bid•da•ble [[t]ˈbɪd ə bəl[/t]] adj. 1) willing to do what is asked; obedient: a biddable child[/ex] 2) cvb capable of being bid or bid on • Etymology: 1820–30 bid da•bil′i•ty, bid′da•ble•ness, n. bid′da•bly, adv … From formal English to slang
biddable — /ˈbɪdəbəl / (say biduhbuhl) adjective 1. willing to do what is asked; obedient; docile. 2. Cards adequate to bid upon: a biddable hand at bridge. {bid + a + able} …
biddable — adjective Date: circa 1768 1. easily led, taught, or controlled ; docile 2. capable of being bid • biddability noun • biddably adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary