- teatime
1> время вечернего чая
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Teatime — (Рим,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Viale Giulio Cesare 71, Ватикан, 00192 Рим, Италия … Каталог отелей
Teatime — may refer to: * a tea break during which tea may be drunk * or, more commonly, high tea, Afternoon Tea or just Tea, a mid afternoon or early evening meal (Scotland) see Tea (meal) * 4pm, as a named time within the at (Unix) command *Mr. Teatime… … Wikipedia
teatime — [tē′tīm΄] n. the time of day when TEA (n. 6a) is customarily served … English World dictionary
teatime — n. 1) at teatime 2) past teatime * * * at teatime past teatime … Combinatory dictionary
teatime — [[t]ti͟ːtaɪm[/t]] teatimes N VAR Teatime is the period of the day when people have their tea. It can be eaten in the late afternoon or in the early part of the evening. [BRIT] We left at teatime … English dictionary
teatime — tea|time [ˈti:taım] n [U] BrE a time in the late afternoon or early evening when people have a meal ▪ John won t be back until teatime … Dictionary of contemporary English
teatime — noun Date: 1727 the customary time for tea ; late afternoon or early evening … New Collegiate Dictionary
teatime — /tee tuym /, n. the time at which tea is served or taken, usually in the late afternoon. [1750 60; TEA + TIME] * * * … Universalium
teatime — noun the traditional time, in the late afternoon, for serving tea (the meal) … Wiktionary
teatime — Synonyms and related words: TV dinner, alfresco meal, barbecue, breakfast, brunch, buffet supper, clambake, coffee break, cookout, diner, dinner, elevenses, fish fry, high tea, hot luncheon, lunch, luncheon, mash, meat breakfast, petit dejeuner,… … Moby Thesaurus
teatime — tea|time [ ti,taım ] noun uncount a time when you drink tea a. BRITISH in the U.K., the time in the late afternoon or early evening when you eat the meal called tea … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English