
[ʹtætəd] a
1. 1) разорванный, изорванный; в клочьях

tattered clouds - клочья облаков; рваные /клочковатые/ облака

2) оборванный, одетый в лохмотья
2. разбитый в пух и прах, уничтоженный

tattered conventions - нарушенные условности

her reputation is a bit tattered, she has a rather tattered reputation - у неё изрядно подмоченная репутация

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tattered" в других словарях:

  • tattered — [adj] shredded badly dressed, badly worn, battered, broken, dilapidated, frayed, frazzled, full of holes*, in rags, in shreds, in tatters*, moth eaten, poorly made, ripped, rugged, scraggy, seedy, shabby, shaggy, shoddy, threadbare, torn, torn to …   New thesaurus

  • tattered — ► ADJECTIVE 1) old and torn. 2) ruined; in tatters …   English terms dictionary

  • tattered — [tat′ərd] adj. [ME tatered] 1. in tatters; torn and ragged 2. wearing torn and ragged clothes …   English World dictionary

  • tattered — [[t]tæ̱tə(r)d[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If something such as clothing or a book is tattered, it is damaged or torn, especially because it has been used a lot over a long period of time. He fled wearing only a sarong and a tattered shirt. ...a very old,… …   English dictionary

  • tattered — adjective Date: 14th century 1. wearing ragged clothes < a tattered barefoot boy > 2. torn into shreds ; ragged < a tattered flag > 3. a. broken down ; dilapidated < decaying houses along …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Tattered — Tatter Tat ter, v. t. [p. p. {Tattered}.] To rend or tear into rags; used chiefly in the past participle as an adjective. [1913 Webster] Where waved the tattered ensigns of Ragfair. Pope. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tattered — /tat euhrd/, adj. 1. torn to tatters; ragged: a tattered flag. 2. wearing ragged clothing: a tattered old man. [1300 50; ME; see TATTER1 (n.), ED3] * * * …   Universalium

  • tattered — tat|tered [ˈtætəd US ərd] adj clothes, books etc that are tattered are old and torn ▪ He produced a tattered envelope from his pocket …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tattered — adjective 1 clothes, books etc that are tattered are old and torn: an old man in a tattered brown coat 2 dressed in old torn clothes …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • tattered — tat•tered [[t]ˈtæt ərd[/t]] adj. 1) torn to tatters; ragged: a tattered flag[/ex] 2) wearing ragged clothing: a tattered old man[/ex] • Etymology: 1300–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • tattered — adjective a) rent in tatters, torn, hanging in rags; ragged The chattering, irrational brute of the subconscious clothes itself in the tattered garments of rationality and idealism. b) dressed in tatters or rags; ragged …   Wiktionary

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