
1. [ʹtætə] n
1. обыкн. pl
1) лохмотья, клочья

to hang in tatters - висеть клочьями

to tear smth. to tatters - а) изорвать что-л. в клочья; б) разбить в пух и прах (аргумент и т. п.); не оставить камня на камне

to tear smb.'s reputation to tatters - смешать с грязью чьё-л. доброе имя

2) рваная одежда

dressed in tatters - одетый в лохмотья

3) развалины; жалкие остатки
2. тряпка
3. старьёвщик
2. [ʹtætə] v
1) изорвать в клочья; разрывать на куски
2) превращаться в лохмотья; рваться в клочья

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Смотреть что такое "tatter" в других словарях:

  • Tatter — ist der Name folgender Personen: Georg Ernst Tatter (Hofgärtner) (1689–1755), hannoveranischer Hofgärtner Georg Ernst Tatter (1757–1805), Hofmeister, britischer Diplomat und Freund von Caroline Schlegel Schelling Wilhelm Heinrich Adolf Tatter… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tatter — (v.) mid 14c., clad in slashed garments, from O.N. toturr rag, cognate with O.E. tættec, tætteca rag, tatter, Low Ger. tater tatter. The noun is attested from c.1400 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tatter — Tat ter, n. One who makes tatting. Caulfield & S. (Doct. of Needlework). [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tatter — Tat ter, n. [Icel. t[ o]tur, t[ o]ttur, pl. t[ o]trar, ?[ o]ttrar; cf. Norw. totra, pl. totror, LG. taltern tatters. [root]240.] A rag, or a part torn and hanging; chiefly used in the plural. [1913 Webster] Tear a passion to tatters, to very rags …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tatter — Tat ter, v. t. [p. p. {Tattered}.] To rend or tear into rags; used chiefly in the past participle as an adjective. [1913 Webster] Where waved the tattered ensigns of Ragfair. Pope. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tatter — Tatter(Tatterer)m alterTatter=alter,gebrechlicherMann.Seitdem19.Jh …   Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache

  • tatter — [tat′ər] n. [ME, prob. < ON töturr, rags, tatters, akin to Ger zotte, tuft < IE base * dā(i) , to cut out, divide > TIDE1] 1. a torn and hanging shred or piece, as of a garment 2. a separate shred or scrap; rag 3. [pl.] torn, ragged… …   English World dictionary

  • tatter — I. Date: 14th century transitive verb to make ragged intransitive verb to become ragged II. noun Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse tǫturr tatter; akin to Old English tætteca rag, Old High German zotta matted… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tatter — tatter1 /tat euhr/, n. 1. a torn piece hanging loose from the main part, as of a garment or flag. 2. a separate torn piece; shred. 3. tatters, torn or ragged clothing: dressed in rags and tatters. v.t. 4. to tear or wear to tatters. v.i. 5. to… …   Universalium

  • tatter — tat•ter [[t]ˈtæt ər[/t]] n. v. tered, ter•ing. n. 1) a torn piece hanging loose from the main part, as of a garment or flag 2) a separate torn piece; shred 3) tatters, torn or ragged clothing 4) to tear or wear to tatters 5) to become ragged •… …   From formal English to slang

  • tatter —  cross, peevish ; old mistress is tedious tatter. Kent …   A glossary of provincial and local words used in England

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