
[ʹtɑ:gıtıd] a

targeted areas - намеченные области

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "targeted" в других словарях:

  • Targeted — Tar get*ed, a. Furnished, armed, or protected, with a target. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • targeted — target target 2 verb [transitive] 1. to aim products, programmes of work, etc at a particular area or group of people: target something on something • We will target funds on areas of research where breakthroughs are imminent. target something at …   Financial and business terms

  • targeted — noun Targeted is used before these nouns: ↑assassination, ↑audience, ↑killing, ↑marketing, ↑precinct, ↑traffic …   Collocations dictionary

  • Targeted drug delivery — Targeted drug delivery, sometimes called smart drug delivery,[1] is a method of delivering medication to a patient in a manner that increases the concentration of the medication in some parts of the body relative to others. The goal of a targeted …   Wikipedia

  • Targeted reinnervation — is a method developed by Dr. Todd Kuiken at Northwestern University and Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago for an amputee to control motorized prosthetic devices and to regain sensory feedback [#Reference 1| [1] . Overview Targeted reinnervation …   Wikipedia

  • Targeted threat — Targeted threats are a class of malware destined for one specific organization or industry. A type of crimeware, these threats are of particular concern because they are designed to capture sensitive information. Targeted attacks may include… …   Wikipedia

  • Targeted therapy — is a type of medication that blocks the growth of cancer cells by interfering with specific targeted molecules needed for carcinogenesis and tumor growth, rather than by simply interfering with rapidly dividing cells. Targeted cancer therapies… …   Wikipedia

  • Targeted grazing — is the use of domestic livestock to change the composition and structure of vegetation to meet management goals. This technique is often used in combination with other vegetation management treatments such as prescribed fire, seeding, chemical… …   Wikipedia

  • Targeted Advertising — ist eine Internet Werbeform, bei der es darum geht, Werbeeinblendungen themenrelevant am Inhalt von Zielseiten ausgerichtet oder bestimmten Zielgruppen entsprechend darzustellen. Bei Target Advertising handelt es sich um eine Form der Werbung,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Targeted advertising — is a type of advertising whereby advertisements are placed so as to reach consumers based on various traits such as demographics, purchase history, or observed behavior.Two principal forms of targeted interactive advertising are behavioral… …   Wikipedia

  • targeted amortization class (TAC) tranche — Bonds created in scheduled pay CMO structures. A TAC tranche is structured to avoid prepayment volatility. Each TAC has a designated target speed. When prepayments exceed the targeted speed, the excess cash flow is diverted to other tranches in… …   Financial and business terms

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