- tarbrush
1> кисть для нанесения дегтя
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tarbrush — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: tar (I) + brush 1. : a brush for applying tar 2. : colored or Negro blood everyone s brothers under the skin, but there s no tarbrush in my family Michael Williams very complicated, this color business … you might, you… … Useful english dictionary
tarbrush — n See a touch of the tarbrush … Contemporary slang
tarbrush — /ˈtabrʌʃ/ (say tahbrush) noun 1. a brush for applying tar. –phrase 2. a touch of the tarbrush, (derogatory) African or other dark skinned ancestry or appearance. {tar1 + brush1} …
tarbrush — /tahr brush /, n. 1. a brush for applying tar. 2. Slang (disparaging and offensive). black ancestry. [1705 15; TAR1 + BRUSH1] * * * … Universalium
tarbrush — noun A brush used for applying tar … Wiktionary
Operation Tarbrush — was the name given to a series of British Commando raids during the Second World War in 1944. the raids were carried out by members of No. 10 (Inter Allied) Commando. It was for the purpose of for the purpose of bringing back photographs and… … Wikipedia
a touch of the tarbrush — n (having) a skin colour which suggests a trace of black or coloured ancestry. This euphemism, often heard in a discrimi natory context, originated in the mid 19th century, when it was also used to refer to sailors (the tarbrush being used on… … Contemporary slang
lick of the tarbrush — see tarbrush … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
(the) tarbrush — partial descent from a non white ancestor If a brush is used for tarring, it will retain dark streaks when you seek to use it later for a lighter colour. The genes controlling dark skin pigmentation are also dominant: ... her body was… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
touch of the tarbrush — noun A derogatory descriptive phrase for when a person of predominantly Caucasian ancestry has real or suspected African or Asian distant ancestry … Wiktionary
Operation Dingson — Part of Normandy Landings Date 5 June to 18 June 1944 Location Southern Brittany, France Result … Wikipedia