- tantara
- 1. [ʹtæntərə,tænʹtɑ:rə] n
фанфары; звук фанфар2. [ʹtæntərə,tænʹtɑ:rə] intтам-тарам
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tantara — [tan′tə rə; tan tar′ə, tantä′rə] n. [echoic] 1. a trumpet blast or fanfare 2. a sound like this … English World dictionary
tantara — 1. tantaro f. folie; lubie; tintamarre; querelle, dispute. Faire la tantara, faire sa tantara : passer une nuit agitée; faire du bruit. Ti prenguèsse una tantara… s il te prenait une lubie… voir garrolha, patac, polhas, rena 2. tantòra, tantaro,… … Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu
tantara — noun /tæntəˈrɑː/ a flourish on a trumpet , 1978: ‘Hail!’ Her clear cry echoed off the cliffs like a tantara, and was answered at once by one thrilling shout from a myriad of voices: ‘Hail!’ Stephen Donaldson, The Illearth War … Wiktionary
Tantara District — Infobox District Peru district = Tantara image size = image caption = cofarms = coa width = region = Huancavelica province = Castrovirreyna capital = Tantara elevation = 2882 hamlets = ubigeo = 090412 pop = commas|727 density = commas|6.4 area =… … Wikipedia
tantara — noun Etymology: Latin taratantara, of imitative origin Date: 1584 the blare of a trumpet or horn … New Collegiate Dictionary
tantara — /tan teuhr euh, tan tar euh, tahr euh/, n. 1. a blast of a trumpet or horn. 2. any similar sound. [1530 40; imit.; cf. L taratantara] * * * … Universalium
tantara — tan·tara … English syllables
tantara — tan•ta•ra [[t]ˈtæn tər ə, tænˈtær ə, ˈtɑr ə[/t]] n. pl. ras a blast of a trumpet or horn • Etymology: 1530–40; imit.; cf. L taratantara … From formal English to slang
tantara — /ˈtæntərə/ (say tantuhruh), /tænˈtarə/ (say tan tahruh), /tæntəˈra/ (say tantuh rah) noun 1. a blast of a trumpet or horn. 2. any similar sound. {imitative} …
tantara — … Useful english dictionary
Distrito de Tantara — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Distrito peruano de Tantara es uno de los 13 distritos de la Provincia de Castrovirreyna, ubicada en el Departamento de Huancavelica, perteneciente a la Región Huancavelica, Perú. Recibe el sobrenombre de Perla… … Wikipedia Español