- tailrhyme
- tail-rhyme
1> стих с нерифмованной заключительной строкой
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Guy of Warwick — (ca. 1300) Guy of Warwick is a ROMANCE in MIDDLE ENGLISH verse, first composed very early in the 14th century. It is one of a group of romances (including HAVELOK, BEVIS OF HAMPTON, and KING HORN) associated with what was called the “Matter of … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Middle English — (ca. 1100–ca. 1500) The Middle English period is essentially a transitional period in the history of the English language between the basically Germanic character of OLD ENGLISH and the language of the earliest printed books that record what… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
tail-rhyme romances — A tail rhyme stanza might take many forms, but most typically it consists of a rhyming pair of long lines followed by a shorter line (the “tail”). The three line pattern is repeated, with the third lines rhyming, to form a six line stanza… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature