- bhang
- [bæŋ] n хинди
банг, гашиш
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bhang — ( pa. ਭੰਗ, pa. بھنگ, IPA|/pə̀ŋg/, bn. ভাং, IPA|/bɦaŋ/) is the leaf and flower of a female Cannabis sativa plant, as consumed in the Indian subcontinent. It is more commonly consumed as a beverage, but is sometimes smoked. [… … Wikipedia
Bhang — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Bhang es un preparado hecho a partir de hojas y cálices de plantas de cannabis. Puede ser fumado, ingerido, masticado o utilizado en infusiones, causando una leve euforia.[1] Bhang Ki Thandai (en hindi) es una… … Wikipedia Español
Bhang — Verkauf Bhang (Hindi: भांग, Bhāṅg) ist eine traditionelle Hanfzubereitung, die unter anderem in hinduistischen Religionsritualen Verwendung findet. Das Wort bhanga (bhanj) bedeutet auf Sanskrit u. a. „Bruch“ bzw. „Abfall“. Bhang besteht aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bhang — Bhang, n. [Per. bang; cf. Skr. bhang[=a] hemp.] An astringent and narcotic drug made from the dried leaves and seed capsules of wild hemp ({Cannabis Indica}), and chewed or smoked in the East as a means of intoxication. See {Hasheesh}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bhang — infusión de cáñamo, una bebida muy popular en la India que contiene tetrahidrocanabinol Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. bhang Alucinógeno asiático hindú, compuesto de hojas secas y tallos jó … Diccionario médico
bhang — 1590s, from Hindi bhang narcotic from hemp, from Skt. bhangah hemp. Cognate with Russian penika, Polish pienka (from Russian) hemp. The word first appears in Western Europe in Portuguese (1560s) … Etymology dictionary
Bhang — Bhang, s. Haschisch … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bhang — (Bang), die geringere Sorte des ind. Hanfes, zur Bereitung des Haschisch verwendet … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
bhang — index cannabis Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
bhang — (also bang) ► NOUN ▪ (in India) the leaves and flower tops of cannabis, used as a narcotic. ORIGIN Hindi … English terms dictionary
bhang — [baŋ] n. [Hindi < Sans bhaṅgáḥ, bhaṅgā, hemp] HEMP (sense 1): also sp. bang … English World dictionary