tab card

tab card
[ʹtæbkɑ:d] спец.
перфокарта для электронного табулятора

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tab card" в других словарях:

  • tab card — tab card, a punch card for an electronic tabulator …   Useful english dictionary

  • tab — [tæb] noun [countable] 1. a small piece of paper or cloth that is fixed to the edge of something, usually giving information about it 2. a bill for something, especially one that has gradually increased over time: • One out of three credit card… …   Financial and business terms

  • Tab — Tab, n. [Etymol. uncertain.] 1. The flap or latchet of a shoe fastened with a string or a buckle. [1913 Webster] 2. A tag. See {Tag}, 2. [1913 Webster] 3. A loop for pulling or lifting something. [1913 Webster] 4. A border of lace or other… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tab — In Wikipedia, colons (:) are used to tab. Tab or tabs may refer to:*Tabulation: computing evolved from a mechanical basis using cards gradually between the 1940s and 1990s to a completely electronic basis. The card based systems and components… …   Wikipedia

  • Tab (GUI) — In graphical user interfaces, a tab is a navigational widget for switching between sets of controls or documents. It is traditionally designed as a text label within a rectangular box with its top borders rounded. Activating a tab (usually by a… …   Wikipedia

  • tab — tab1 /tab/, n., v., tabbed, tabbing. n. 1. a small flap, strap, loop, or similar appendage, as on a garment, used for pulling, hanging, or decoration. 2. a tag or label. 3. a small projection from a card, paper, or folder, used as an aid in… …   Universalium

  • tab — I [[t]tæb[/t]] n. v. tabbed, tab•bing 1) a small flap, strap, loop, or similar appendage, as on a garment, used for pulling, hanging, or decoration 2) a tag or label 3) a small projection from a card, paper, or folder, used as an aid in filing 4) …   From formal English to slang

  • tab — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1607 1. a. a short projecting device: as (1) a small flap or loop by which something may be grasped or pulled (2) a projection from a card used as an aid in filing b. a small insert …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Tab size aperture card — Апертурная (перфо)картаперфокарта¦карта размером с табуляторную (перфо)картуперфокарту¦карту …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Secure Digital card — Infobox media name = Secure Digital logo = caption = Pair of SD cards type = Memory card encoding = capacity = Standard SD: 8 MB to 4 GB SDHC: 1 GB to 32 GB [ 2008 08 27] (theoretical max for SDHC is 2 TB.) read = write = standard …   Wikipedia

  • Trading card — Various trading cards A baseball card () is a small card, usually made out of paperboard or thick paper, which usually contains an image of a certain person, place or thing (fictional or real) and a short description of the picture, along with… …   Wikipedia

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