
[ʹsırəpı] a
1) подобный сиропу; липкий, густой
2) слащавый, приторный

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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "syrupy" в других словарях:

  • syrupy — (US also sirupy) ► ADJECTIVE 1) having the consistency or sweetness of syrup. 2) excessively sentimental …   English terms dictionary

  • syrupy — [sʉr′ə pē, sir′ə pē] adj. 1. resembling syrup in some way 2. overly sentimental; cloyingly sweet, as in tone or manner …   English World dictionary

  • syrupy — UK [ˈsɪrəpɪ] / US adjective Word forms syrupy : adjective syrupy comparative syrupier superlative syrupiest 1) thick, sweet, and sticky syrupy blackberry jam 2) extremely romantic, nice, or kind in a way that seems silly a syrupy sweet tale of… …   English dictionary

  • syrupy — /sir euh pee, serr /, adj. 1. having the appearance or quality of syrup; thick or sweet: syrupy coffee. 2. sentimental or saccharine; mawkish: a syrupy manner; a syrupy poem. Also, sirupy. [1700 10; SYRUP + Y1] * * * …   Universalium

  • syrupy — [[t]sɪ̱rəpi[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Liquid that is syrupy is sweet or thick like syrup. 2) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe something as syrupy, you dislike it because it is too sentimental. ...this syrupy film version of Conroy s novel …   English dictionary

  • syrupy — syr|up|y [ˈsırəpi US ˈsə: , ˈsı ] adj 1.) thick and sticky like syrup or containing syrup ▪ a syrupy liquid 2.) too nice or kind in a way that seems insincere used in order to show disapproval ▪ a syrupy speech …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • syrupy — syr|up|y [ sırəpi ] adjective 1. ) thick, sweet, and sticky: syrupy blackberry jam 2. ) extremely romantic, nice, or kind in a way that seems silly: a syrupy sweet tale of romance …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • syrupy — adjective 1 thick and sticky like syrup or containing syrup: syrupy drinks 2 too sweet, nice or kind: Her voice was syrupy …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • syrupy — adjective 1) syrupy medicine Syn: oversweet, sweet, sugary, treacly, honeyed, saccharine; thick, sticky, gluey, viscid, glutinous; informal gooey 2) syrupy romantic drivel Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • syrupy — mod. overly sentimental. □ I can’t stand syrupy movies. □ That music is too yrupy. □ All this syrupy talk is making me tired …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Syrupy — Sirupy Sir up*y, Syrupy Syr up*y, a. Like sirup, or partaking of its qualities. Mortimer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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