betty lamp

betty lamp
керосиновая лампа (самой простой конструкции)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "betty lamp" в других словарях:

  • Betty lamp — The Betty lamp is thought to be of German, Austrian, or Hungarian origin. The Betty Lamp first came into use in the 18th Century. They were commonly made of iron or brass and were most often used in the home or workshop. These lamps burned fish… …   Wikipedia

  • betty lamp — “ noun Usage: usually capitalized B Etymology: probably from the name Betty : a lamp consisting of a shallow lidded metal vessel with a small spout for a coarse wick, fueled by tallow, grease, or oil, usually hung by a hook and chain, and used… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Betty lamp — an Early American lamp, consisting of a shallow, covered basin filled with oil, tallow, etc., providing fuel for a wick housed in a teapotlike spout, and often hung by a hook or suspended from a chain. Also, betty lamp. [1890 95] * * * …   Universalium

  • Betty Wilson — Elizabeth Rebecca Betty Wilson (born 21 November 1921, Melbourne, Australia) is considered as one of the greatest woman cricket players of all time. She represented Australia in women s Test cricket between 1947 48 and 1957 58. Wilson batted… …   Wikipedia

  • phoebe lamp — noun Usage: usually capitalized P Etymology: probably from the name Phoebe : a shallow early American fat burning or grease burning lamp of metal, pottery, or stone with a spout to hold the wick and often a cup attached to catch drippings compare …   Useful english dictionary

  • Light fixture — This article is about architectural light fixtures. For stage lighting, see Stage lighting instrument. Many various light fixtures A light fixture, light fitting, or luminaire is an electrical device used to create artificial light and/or… …   Wikipedia

  • bet|ty — «BEHT ee», noun, plural ties. 1. = Betty lamp. (Cf. ↑Betty lamp) 2. a baked pudding made of pieces of toast or bread, fruit, and sweetening; brown Betty: »apple betty. ╂[probably < Betty, a nickname of Eli …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of light sources — This is a list of sources of light, including both natural and artificial sources, and both processes and devices .Natural [ Lightning can be a spectacular source of illumination.] *Astronomical objects **Sunlight (Solar radiation)… …   Wikipedia

  • Americana series — The Americana series was a series of United States definitive postage stamps issued between 1975 and 1981. Denominations ranged from one cent to five dollars. It superseded the Prominent Americans series, and was in turn superseded by the Great… …   Wikipedia

  • Preston Bassett — Preston Rogers Bassett (March 20, 1892 ndash; April 30, 1992) was an inventor, engineer, and pioneer in instruments for aviation. BiographyPreston Rogers Bassett was born in Buffalo, New York, son of urban planner Edward Murray Bassett and Annie… …   Wikipedia

  • Scottish Open (Badminton) — Die Scottish Open sind im Badminton die offenen internationalen Meisterschaften von Schottland. Sie werden seit 1907 ausgetragen und sind damit eines der ältesten Badmintonturniere der Welt. Während der zwei Weltkriege pausierten sie. 1984 fanden …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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