

1> оруженосец

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "swordbearer" в других словарях:

  • Swordbearer — is a fantasy role playing game. It was originally published by Heritage Games in 1982, and then republished by Fantasy Games Unlimited in 1985. The game was written by B. Dennis Sustare with contributions from Arnold Hendrick. Illustrations are… …   Wikipedia

  • swordbearer — noun One who bears or carries a sword. See Also: swordbearing …   Wiktionary

  • Crossguard — Parts of a Sword Quillon redirects here. For the town in Chile, see Quillón. On a sword or some knives, the crossguard (or cross guard), also known as quillons, is a bar of metal at right angles to the blade, placed between the blade and the hilt …   Wikipedia

  • Scottish Reformation — The Scottish Reformation was Scotland s formal break with the Roman Catholic Church in 1560, and the events surrounding this. It was part of the wider European Protestant Reformation; and in Scotland s case culminated ecclesiastically in the re… …   Wikipedia

  • Cseszneky — During the centuries the family hold several noble titles (Latin: preadicatum , Hungarian: nemesi előnév ) after their lordships, among them: de Cseszneg , de Enese , de Csécsény , de Kisbabot , de Szentkáta , de Kisbudafa , de Tejfalu , de… …   Wikipedia

  • Arthur Uther Pendragon — (born John Timothy Rothwell, April 5, 1954) is a British eco campaigner, neo druid leader, media personality, and self declared reincarnation of King Arthur, a name by which he is also known.BiographyA former soldier, mercenary, and biker, he has …   Wikipedia

  • Reforme ecossaise — Réforme écossaise La Réforme écossaise fait référence à la rupture officielle du royaume d Écosse avec l Église catholique romaine en 1560, et aux événements qui lui furent associés. Elle faisait partie d un mouvement plus vaste, la Réforme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Réforme écossaise — La Réforme écossaise fait référence à la rupture officielle du royaume d Écosse avec l Église catholique romaine en 1560, et aux événements qui lui furent associés. Elle faisait partie d un mouvement plus vaste, la Réforme protestante européenne …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Reforma Escocesa — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda A John Knox se le considera el líder de la Reforma Escocesa La Reforma Escocesa fue la ruptura formal de Escocia con la Iglesia Católica Romana en 1560, y los eventos relacionados con la misma. Fue parte de la más… …   Wikipedia Español

  • House of Cseszneky — Country County of Csesznek Kingdom of Hungary Duchy of Styria Kingdom of Naples Kingdom of Poland Kingdom of Galicia Holy Roman Empire Kingd …   Wikipedia

  • Fantasy Games Unlimited — Fantasy Games Unlimited, often referred to as just FGU, is a publishing house for both table top and role playing games. They have no in house design teams and rely on submitted material from outside talent.cite web… …   Wikipedia

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