
[sɔ:d] n
1. меч; шпага (тж. court sword, dress sword); рапира (тж. duelling sword, small sword); шашка; сабля (тж. cavalry sword)

to draw the sword - а) обнажить меч, шпагу и т. п.; б) начать войну

to sheathe /to nut up/ the sword - а) вложить меч в ножны; б) кончить войну

to cross /to measure/ swords - а) скрестить шпаги; б) начать борьбу; вступить в бой; помериться силами

(to do smth.) at the point of the sword - (сделать что-л.) подчиняясь грубой силе /под угрозой применения силы/ [см. тж. 2, 1)]

to be at sword s' points - враждовать, питать взаимную ненависть; ≅ быть на ножах

sword of state - меч, который несут впереди короля во время торжественных процессий

2. (the sword)
1) сила оружия; военная сила

at the point of the sword - силой оружия, насильственно [см. тж. 1]

2) орудие смерти, разрушения

to put to the sword - истребить

to put to fire and sword - предать огню и мечу

3. правосудие; возмездие (тж. the sword of justice)

the sword of Damocles - дамоклов меч

to throw one's sword into the scale - поддержать свои притязания силой оружия

to beat swords into ploughshares - библ. перековать мечи на орала

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Смотреть что такое "sword" в других словарях:

  • Sword — (s[=o]rd), n. [OE. swerd, AS. sweord; akin to OFries. swerd, swird, D. zwaard, OS. swerd, OHG. swert, G. schwert, Icel. sver[eth], Sw. sv[ a]rd, Dan. sv[ae]rd; of uncertain origin.] 1. An offensive weapon, having a long and usually sharp pointed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sword — ► NOUN 1) a weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt with a handguard, used for thrusting or striking. 2) (the sword) literary military power; violence. ● beat (or turn) swords into ploughshares Cf. ↑turn swords into ploughshares ● he who liv …   English terms dictionary

  • sword — [so:d US so:rd] n [: Old English; Origin: sweord] 1.) a weapon with a long pointed blade and a handle 2.) a/the sword of Damocles literary a bad thing that might happen at any time ▪ The treaty hung like a sword of Damocles over French politics.… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • SWORD — est un jeu de rôle. Vous êtes dans la peau d un personnage et vous montez de niveau, il y a des combats, et c est à travers un monde imaginaire ou virtuel et fictif. Ce n est bien sur pas du 3D mais le remplissage est très bon sans compter les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sword — est un jeu de rôle. Vous êtes dans la peau d un personnage et vous montez de niveau, il y a des combats, et c est à travers un monde imaginaire ou virtuel et fictif. Ce n est bien sur pas du 3D mais le remplissage est très bon sans compter les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sword — [ sɔrd ] noun count ** a weapon with a short handle and a long sharp blade cross swords (with someone) to disagree or argue with someone about something: Once again, they are crossing swords over the issue of welfare reform. a double edged/two… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sword — [sôrd] n. [ME < OE sweord, akin to Ger schwert, prob. < IE base * swer , to cut, pierce] 1. a hand weapon having a long, sharp pointed blade, usually with a sharp edge on one or both sides, set in a hilt; broadsword, rapier, saber, scimitar …   English World dictionary

  • sword — O.E. sweord, from P.Gmc. *swerdan (Cf. O.S., O.Fris. swerd, O.N. sverð, Swed. svärd, M.Du. swaert, Du. zwaard, O.H.G. swert, Ger. Schwert), related to O.H.G. sweran to hurt, from *swertha , lit. the cutting weapon, from PIE root …   Etymology dictionary

  • sword|ed — «SR dihd, SOHR », adjective. armed with a sword …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sword — For other uses, see Sword (disambiguation) and Swords (disambiguation). Swiss longsword, 15th or 16th century A sword is a bladed weapon (edged weapon) used primarily for cutting or thrusting. The precise definition of the term varies with the… …   Wikipedia

  • sword — n. 1 a weapon usu. of metal with a long blade and hilt with a handguard, used esp. for thrusting or striking, and often worn as part of ceremonial dress. 2 (prec. by the) a war. b military power. Phrases and idioms: put to the sword kill, esp. in …   Useful english dictionary

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