- switcheroo
- [ʹswıtʃəru:] n амер. сл.
резкая перемена; сюрприз, неожиданный поворот событий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
switcheroo — switch er*oo n. a sudden and unexpected change or reversal of position, attitude, or action. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
switcheroo — ☆ switcheroo [swich΄ə ro͞o′ ] n. [ SWITCH (n. 7) + EROO] Slang a sudden or unexpected shift or change, often a deliberately deceptive one … English World dictionary
Switcheroo — A switcheroo is a sudden unexpected variation or reversalcite book| title = The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language| edition = Third Edition| last =| first =| coauthors = | year = 1992| publisher = Houghton Mifflin Company| id =… … Wikipedia
switcheroo — n. (slang) (AE) variation to pull a switcheroo * * * [ swɪtʃəruː] (slang) (AE) [ variation ] to pull a switcheroo … Combinatory dictionary
switcheroo — [“switJVru] n. a reversal; a switching around. □ He pulled a switcheroo on us and showed up at the other door, so we missed getting his autograph. □ She is a master at the old switcheroo … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
switcheroo — noun A tricky, sneaky, or clever swap or exchange. If you were expecting chocolate, biting into carob can seem like a nasty switcheroo … Wiktionary
Switcheroo (pricing game) — Switcheroo is a pricing game on the American television game show The Price Is Right . Debuting on October 22, 1976, this game is played for a car, plus four small prizes (each worth between $10 and $99). It is also a game in which it is… … Wikipedia
Switcheroo (disambiguation) — Switcheroo can mean: * A sudden unexpected switch, often associated with a joke (sometimes the old switcheroo ) * A television game, Switcheroo played on The Price Is Right … Wikipedia
switcheroo — noun (plural oos) Etymology: alteration of switch Date: 1933 a surprising variation ; reversal … New Collegiate Dictionary
switcheroo — /swich euh rooh , swich euh rooh /, n., pl. switcheroos. Slang. an unexpected or sudden change or reversal in attitude, character, position, action, etc. [1930 35; SWITCH + EROO] * * * … Universalium
Switcheroo — change; turnabout … Dictionary of Australian slang