Swinging — Swinging, sometimes referred to as the swinging lifestyle, is non monogamous sexual activity, treated much like any other social activity, that can be experienced as a couple. Dr. Curtis Bergstrand and Ms. Jennifer Blevins Williams ,… … Wikipedia
swinging — swinging, swingeing Swinging is the ordinary present participle of the verb swing, whereas swingeing means ‘forcible, severe’ (as in swingeing tax increases), and is part of an archaic verb swinge meaning ‘to strike hard’ … Modern English usage
Swinging — Swinging,das:⇨Gruppensex … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
swinging — ► ADJECTIVE informal 1) lively, exciting, and fashionable. 2) sexually liberated or promiscuous … English terms dictionary
swinging — [swiŋ′iŋ] adj. 1. that swings 2. done with a swing ☆ 3. Slang lively, sophisticated, ultra fashionable, etc. 4. Slang engaging in casual or group sexual relations swingingly adv … English World dictionary
swinging — swingingly, adv. /swing ing/, adj., superl. swingingest, n. adj. 1. characterized by or capable of swinging, being swung, or causing to swing. 2. intended for swinging upon, by, from, or in: the swinging devices in a playground. 3. Slang.… … Universalium
swinging — /ˈswɪŋɪŋ/ (say swinging) adjective 1. characterised by or capable of swinging or being swung. 2. varying in political affiliation from election to election: they aimed to capture the swinging vote. 3. Colloquial fine; excellent. 4. Colloquial… …
swinging — [[t]swɪ̱ŋɪŋ[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe something or someone as swinging, you mean that they are lively and fashionable. [INFORMAL, OLD FASHIONED] The stuffy 50s gave way to the swinging 60s. ...a young student in mid 1960s… … English dictionary
Swinging — Swing Swing, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Swung}; Archaic imp. {Swang}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Swinging}.] [OE. swingen, AS. swingan to scourge, to fly, to flutter; akin to G. schwingen to winnow, to swingle, oscillate, sich schwingen to leap, to soar, OHG.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
swinging — adjective Etymology: present participle of 1swing Date: 1956 being lively, exciting, and up to date; also abounding in swingers and swinging entertainment < a swinging coffeehouse > … New Collegiate Dictionary
swinging — swịn|ging <indekl. Adj.> [engl. swinging]: schwungvoll, aufregend (meist in Verbindung mit Städtenamen). * * * Swịn|ging, das; s [engl. swinging = das Hin und her Schwingen] (Jargon verhüll.): Gruppensex … Universal-Lexikon