
1. [ʹswi:pıŋ] n
1. уборка, подметание

sweeping car - машина для уборки улиц

to give the room a good sweeping - основательно убрать комнату

2. воен. прочёсывание
3. мор. траление
4. pl
1) мусор
2) тех. металлический сор
3) никчёмные люди; отбросы (общества)

the sweepings of the gutter - подонки общества, «дно»

5. элк. свипирование (периодическое изменение напряжения, частоты и т. п.)
2. [ʹswi:pıŋ] a
1. широкий, с большим охватом

sweeping generalizations - широкие обобщения

sweeping changes - большие /радикальные/ перемены

sweeping victory - полная /решительная/ победа

sweeping proposals on disarmament - радикальные предложения по разоружению

2. стремительный, быстрый
3. плавный, округлый

sweeping curve - сглаженная кривая

4. не делающий различий; огульный

sweeping statements [accusations] - огульные утверждения [обвинения]

5. физ. очищающий

sweeping electrode [field] - очищающий электрод [-ее поле]

6. воен. прочёсывающий

sweeping fire - воен. прочёсывающий огонь

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sweeping" в других словарях:

  • sweeping — sweep‧ing [ˈswiːpɪŋ] adjective sweeping changes, cuts etc affect many people and make a big difference: • The multinational announced a sweeping reorganization of its trading and investment arm. • The firm has taken sweeping steps to tackle its… …   Financial and business terms

  • Sweeping — Sweep ing, a. Cleaning off surfaces, or cleaning away dust, dirt, or litter, as a broom does; moving with swiftness and force; carrying everything before it; including in its scope many persons or things; as, a sweeping flood; a sweeping… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sweeping — bezeichnet: Sweep Picking, eine Spieltechnik für die E Gitarre ein Modellierverfahren der 3D Computergrafik, siehe Sweeping (Modellierung) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriff …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sweeping — ► ADJECTIVE 1) extending or performed in a long, continuous curve. 2) wide in range or effect. 3) (of a statement) too general. ► NOUN (sweepings) ▪ dirt or refuse collected by sweeping. DERIVATIVES sweepingly adve …   English terms dictionary

  • sweeping — [swē′piŋ] adj. 1. that sweeps; cleansing or carrying away with or as with a broom 2. reaching in a long curve or line 3. extending over the whole range or a great space 4. a) extensive; comprehensive; thoroughgoing b) complete; decisive …   English World dictionary

  • sweeping — index broad, complete (all embracing), comprehensive, extensive, far reaching, general, generic, incl …   Law dictionary

  • sweeping — *indiscriminate, wholesale Analogous words: promiscuous, heterogeneous, motley, *miscellaneous …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • sweeping — [adj] wide ranging across the board, all around, all embracing, all encompassing, all inclusive, all out, bird’s eye*, blanket, broad, complete, comprehensive, exaggerated, exhaustive, extensive, full, general, global, inclusive, indiscriminate,… …   New thesaurus

  • sweeping — sweep|ing [ˈswi:pıŋ] adj 1.) affecting many things, or making an important difference to something sweeping changes/cuts/reforms etc ▪ They want to make sweeping changes to education policies. 2.) [only before noun] including a lot of information …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sweeping — [[t]swi͟ːpɪŋ[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n A sweeping curve is a long wide curve. ...the long sweeping curve of Rio s Guanabara Bay. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n (disapproval) If someone makes a sweeping statement or generalization, they make a statement which… …   English dictionary

  • sweeping — 1. noun a) An instance of sweeping. The sidewalk needed a sweeping every morning. b) The activity of sweeping. Sweeping took all morning. 2. adjective a) wide …   Wiktionary

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