
[sfen|ʹgɑ:lı,sven{ʹgɑ:lı}-] n
1) лит. Свенгали, зловещий гипнотизёр (герой романа «Трильби» Джорджа дю Морье)
2) сильный человек, подчиняющий своей воле другого и открывающий в нём скрытые таланты, возможности и т. п.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "svengali" в других словарях:

  • Svengali — bezeichnet: Svengali (Fiktive Figur), Person im Hintergrund, die eine andere Person stark beeinflusst oder manipuliert Svengali ist der Titel folgender Werke: Svengali (Album), Jazz Album von Gil Evans (1973) Svengali (1914), österreichischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Svengali — Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Trilby Genre Mâle Activité(s) Chef d orchestre, Hyp …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Svengali — is the name of a fictional character in George du Maurier s 1894 novel Trilby . A sensation in its day, the novel created a stereotype of the evil hypnotist that persists to this day. The character was portrayed in many silent film versions of… …   Wikipedia

  • Svengali — ► NOUN ▪ a person who exercises a controlling influence on another, especially for a sinister purpose. ORIGIN from Svengali, a musician in George du Maurier s novel Trilby (1894) who controls Trilby s stage singing hypnotically …   English terms dictionary

  • Svengali — [sven gä′lē, sfengä′lē] n. [from the evil hypnotist, Svengali, in the novel Trilby (1894) by DU MAURIER George (Louis Palmella Busson)] a person who dominates or manipulates another, esp. with evil intentions …   English World dictionary

  • Svengali — one who exerts controlling or mesmeric influence on another, 1914, from hypnotist character of that name in the novel Trilby (1894) by George Du Maurier …   Etymology dictionary

  • Svengali — UK [svenˈɡɑːlɪ] / US [svenˈɡɑlɪ] noun [countable] Word forms Svengali : singular Svengali plural Svengalis someone who controls the minds of other people and makes them do bad things …   English dictionary

  • Svengali — noun Etymology: Svengali, villainous hypnotist in the novel Trilby (1894) by George du Maurier Date: 1919 a person who manipulates or exerts excessive control over another …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • svengali — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) (VOCABULARY WORD) n. [sven GAH lee] one who persuades or brainwashes another to do his bidding, often for evil purposes, so named after the hypnotist in the novel Trilby. He was a Svengali who mesmerized women wherever… …   English dictionary for students

  • Svengali — Sven|ga|li [svenˈga:li] n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Svengali, character who uses hypnotism to get control over people in the book Trilby (1894) by George Du Maurier] a man who has the power to control people s minds and make them do bad or… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Svengali — [svɛn gα:li] noun a person who exercises a controlling influence on another, especially for a sinister purpose. Origin Svengali, a musician in George du Maurier s novel Trilby (1894) who controls Trilby s stage singing hypnotically …   English new terms dictionary

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