- suzerainty
- [ʹsu:z(ə)rəntı] n ист.
1. власть сюзерена2. сюзеренитет
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Suzerainty — (pronEng|ˈsjuːzərəntiRP or IPA|/ˈsjuːzəreɪnti/RP) (/ˈsuːzərənti/ GA) is a situation in which a region or people is a tributary to a more powerful entity which allows the tributary some limited domestic to control its foreign affairs. The more… … Wikipedia
Suzerainty — Su ze*rain*ty, n. [F. suzerainet[ e].] The dominion or authority of a suzerain; paramount authority. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
suzerainty — late 15c., from O.Fr. suserenete; see SUZERAIN (Cf. suzerain) … Etymology dictionary
suzerainty — [so͞o′zə rin΄tē, so͞o′zə rān΄tē] n. pl. suzerainties [Fr suzeraineté < MFr suserenete] the position or power of a suzerain … English World dictionary
suzerainty — suzerain ► NOUN 1) a sovereign or state having some control over another state that is internally autonomous. 2) a feudal overlord. DERIVATIVES suzerainty noun. ORIGIN French, from sus above and souverain sovereign … English terms dictionary
suzerainty — noun 1. the position or authority of a suzerain under the suzerainty of... • Hypernyms: ↑dominion, ↑rule 2. the domain of a suzerain • Hypernyms: ↑domain, ↑demesne, ↑land … Useful english dictionary
suzerainty — noun Etymology: French suzeraineté, from Middle French susereneté, from suserain Date: 1823 the dominion of a suzerain ; overlordship … New Collegiate Dictionary
suzerainty — /sooh zeuh rin tee, rayn /, n., pl. suzerainties. 1. the position or authority of a suzerain. 2. the domain or area subject to a suzerain. [1815 25; < F suzeraineté, MF suserenete, equiv. to suseren SUZERAIN + ete ITY] * * * … Universalium
suzerainty — noun A relation between states in which a subservient nation has its own government, but is unable to take international action independent of the superior state. See Also: suzerain … Wiktionary
suzerainty — su|ze|rainty [ˈsu:zəreınti US rənti, reınti] n [U] formal [Date: 1800 1900; : French; Origin: suzerainté, from an unrecorded Old French suserain ruler , from sus up + erain (as in soverain sovereign )] the right of a country or leader to rule… … Dictionary of contemporary English
suzerainty — su|ze|rain|ty [ suzərənti, suzə,reınti ] noun uncount VERY FORMAL the right of one country to partly control another country … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English