- suspire
- [səʹspaıə] v обыкн. поэт.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Suspire — Sus*pire , v. i. [L. suspirare to breathe out, to sigh; sub under + spirare to breathe: cf. F. souspirer, OF. souspirer.] To fetch a long, deep breath; to sigh; to breathe. Shak. [1913 Webster] Fireflies that suspire In short, soft lapses of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Suspire — Sus*pire , n. [Cf. L. suspirium.] A long, deep breath; a sigh. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
suspire — mid 15c., from L. suspirare to draw a deep breath, sigh, from sub under + spirare to breathe (see SPIRIT (Cf. spirit)) … Etymology dictionary
suspire — [sə spīr′] vi. suspired, suspiring [ME suspiren < L suspirare, to breathe out < sub ,SUB + spirare: see SPIRIT] Rare to take a long, deep breath; esp., to sigh suspiration [sus΄pi rā′shən] n … English World dictionary
suspire — intransitive verb (suspired; suspiring) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin suspirare, from sub + spirare to breathe Date: 15th century to draw a long deep breath ; sigh … New Collegiate Dictionary
suspire — /seuh spuyeur /, v., suspired, suspiring. v.i. 1. to sigh. 2. to breathe. v.t. 3. to sigh; utter with long, sighing breaths. [1400 50; late ME < L suspirare, equiv. to su SU + spirare to breathe] * * * … Universalium
suspire — verb a) To breathe. b) To exhale. See Also: suspiration, respire … Wiktionary
suspire — v. sigh, make a long sighing sound; breathe in, respire … English contemporary dictionary
suspire — [sə spʌɪə] verb literary breathe. Derivatives suspiration noun Origin ME (in the sense yearn after ): from L. suspirare, from sub from below + spirare breathe … English new terms dictionary
suspire — sus·pire … English syllables
suspire — sus•pire [[t]səˈspaɪər[/t]] v. pired, pir•ing 1) to sigh 2) to utter with sighing breaths • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME < L suspīrāre=su su +spīrāre to breathe sus•pi•ra•tion ˌsʌs pəˈreɪ ʃən n … From formal English to slang