surveying unit

surveying unit
[səʹveııŋ͵ju:nıt] воен.
1) топографическая часть или подразделение
2) подразделение артиллерийской инструментальной разведки
3) звукометрический пост
4) пост оптической разведки

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "surveying unit" в других словарях:

  • surveying — /seuhr vay ing/, n. 1. the science or scientific method of making surveys of land. 2. the occupation of one who makes land surveys. 3. the act of one who surveys: The surveying required nearly two days. [1425 75; late ME: act of examining… …   Universalium

  • Link (unit) — Unit of length name=link m=0.201168 accuracy=6The link (usually abbreviated as l. , li. or lnk. ), also called a Gunter’s link, is a unit of length in the imperial system. The unit was based on Gunter s measurement where a metal chain consisting… …   Wikipedia

  • Chain (unit) — 1 chain = SI units 20.11680 m 2,011.680 cm US customary / Imperial units 22.00000 yd 66.00000 ft A chain is a unit of length; it measures 66 feet or 22 yards or 100 links …   Wikipedia

  • Foot (unit) — 1 foot = SI units 0.3048 m 304.8 mm US customary / Imperial units 0.333 yd 12 in A foot (plural: feet; abbreviation or symbol: ft or ′ (the prime symbol) is a unit of length in a number of different systems including …   Wikipedia

  • English unit — is the American name for a unit in one of a number of systems of units of measurement, some obsolete, and some still in use in present day USA, the UK, and elsewhere. The modern United States customary units system as a whole is not, and has… …   Wikipedia

  • Section (United States land surveying) — thumb|277px|Sectioning a township.In U.S. land surveying, a section is an area nominally one mile square, containing 640 acres (2.6 km²). Nominally, 36 sections make up a survey township on a rectangular grid. As the townships are based on… …   Wikipedia

  • Lapham Peak Unit, Kettle Moraine State Forest — Lapham Peak is a Wisconsin state park located in the Kettle Moraine State Forest park system. It is just south of Delafield and seven miles (11 km) west of Waukesha. The park entrance is two miles (3 km) north of the Glacial Drumlin State Trail.… …   Wikipedia

  • Spanish customary units — Castilian system of units Spanish English Length in pie Length in SI Units U.S. Units punto point 1⁄1728 0.1613 mm 0.00635 in línea line 1⁄144 1.935 mm .0762 in …   Wikipedia

  • Obsolete Spanish and Portuguese units of measurement — There are a number of Spanish and Portuguese units of measurement of length or area that are now obsolete. They include the vara, the cordel, the league and the labor. The units of area used to express the area of land are still encountered in… …   Wikipedia

  • Charles Close — Charles Frederick Arden Close Born 10 August 1865 Jersey Died 19 December 1952 Winchester, Hampshire, England Allegiance United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Township (Canada) — The term township generally means the district or area associated with a town. However in some systems no town needs to be involved. The specific use of the term to describe political subdivisions has varied by country, usually to describe a… …   Wikipedia

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