
1. [səʹraʋnd] n
1. обрамление, окаймление; край, кромка, бордюр

surround of a carpet - кромка ковра

turf surround (of a flower-bed) - обрамление из дёрна (цветочной клумбы)

wire-netting surround of a tennis-court - ограждение из проволочной сетки теннисного корта

2. 1) окружение
2) охот. обложение
2. [səʹraʋnd] v
окружать; обносить; обступать

to surround a town with walls - обнести город стеной

the house is surrounded by /with/ a fence - дом обнесён оградой

they were surrounded by the enemy - враг окружил их /взял их в кольцо/

he surrounded himself with able advisers - он окружил себя способными советниками

he was always surrounded by medicine-bottles - он жил в постоянном окружении пузырьков с лекарствами

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "surround" в других словарях:

  • surround — surround, *environ, encircle, circle, encompass, compass, hem, gird, girdle, ring can mean to close in or as if in a ring about something. Surround is a general term without specific connotations; it implies enclosure as if by a circle or a ring… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Surround — Sur*round , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Surrounded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Surrounding}.] [OF. suronder to overflow, LL. superundare; fr. L. super over + undare to rise in waves, overflow, fr. unda wave. The English sense is due to the influence of E. round …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • surround — index border (bound), circumscribe (surround by boundary), contain (enclose), delimit, detain (hold in custody) …   Law dictionary

  • surround — [sə round′] vt. [ME surrounden, altered (as if < sur ,SUR 1 + round) < surunden, to overflow < OFr suronder < LL superundare < L super (see SUPER ) + undare, to move in waves, rise < unda, a wave (see WATER)] 1. to cause to be… …   English World dictionary

  • Surround — Sur*round , n. A method of hunting some animals, as the buffalo, by surrounding a herd, and driving them over a precipice, into a ravine, etc. [U.S.] Baird. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • surround — early 15c., to flood, overflow, from M.Fr. soronder to overflow, abound, surpass, dominate, from L.L. superundare overflow, from L. super over (see SUPER (Cf. super )) + undare to flow in waves, from unda wave (see WATER (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • surround — [v] enclose, encircle something beleaguer, beset, besiege, blockade, border, bound, box in, circle, circumscribe, circumvent, close around, close in, close in on, compass, confine, edge, enclave, encompass, envelop, environ, fence in, fringe,… …   New thesaurus

  • surround — ► VERB 1) be all round; encircle. 2) be associated with. ► NOUN 1) a border or edging. 2) (surrounds) surroundings. ORIGIN originally in the sense «overflow»: from Latin superundare, from undare to flow …   English terms dictionary

  • Surround — Dolby Logo de Dolby Personnages clés Ray Dolby, Chairman Siège social San Francisco …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surround — El sonido Surround, sonido envolvente o sonido 3D, se refiere al uso de múltiples canales de audio para provocar efectos envolventes a la audiencia, ya sea proveniente de una película o de una banda sonora. Esta tecnología ha llegado hoy a… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Surround — Raumklang ist eine Bezeichnung für Klangaufführungen, die im und für den Raum erzeugt wurden. (engl.: ambience). Erste Raumklangstücke haben dafür mehrere Orchester oder Chöre im Raum an verschiedenen Stellen platziert (siehe Venezianische… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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