- surbase
- [ʹsɜ:beıs] n архит.
карниз или обломы (у верха базы колонны или пьедестала)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Surbase — Sur base , n. [Pref. sur + base.] 1. (Arch.) A cornice, or series of moldings, on the top of the base of a pedestal, podium, etc. See Illust. of {Column}. [1913 Webster] 2. A board or group of moldings running round a room on a level with the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Surbase — (Lat. super , whence the Fr. sur , above or upon, and base ), i.e. upper base, the term in architecture applied to what, in the fittings of a room, is called the chair rail.It is also used to distinguish the cornice of a pedestal or podium and is … Wikipedia
surbase — [sʉr′bās΄] n. a molding along the top of a base, as of a pedestal, baseboard, etc … English World dictionary
surbase — /serr bays /, n. Archit. a molding above a base, as that immediately above a baseboard, the crowning molding of a pedestal, etc. [1670 80; SUR 1 + BASE1] * * * … Universalium
surbase — n. Skirting board, mop board, base board, skirting, wash board … New dictionary of synonyms
surbase — sur·base … English syllables
surbase — sur•base [[t]ˈsɜrˌbeɪs[/t]] n. archit. a molding above a base, as that immediately above a baseboard • Etymology: 1670–80 … From formal English to slang
surbase — /ˈsɜbeɪs/ (say serbays) noun a moulding above a base, as that immediately above a skirting board, the crowning moulding of a pedestal, etc. –surbasement /sɜˈbeɪsmənt/ (say ser baysmuhnt), noun …
surbase — noun the molding or border above the base of a structure (a pedestal or podium or wall) • Hypernyms: ↑molding, ↑moulding … Useful english dictionary
surbasement — surbaseˈment noun • • • Main Entry: ↑surbase … Useful english dictionary
surbased — [sʉr′bāst΄] adj. 1. [< SURBASE + ED] having a surbase 2. [< Fr surbaissé < sur (see SUR 1) + baissé, pp. of baisser, to lower < VL * bassiare < bassus: see BASE2] designating an arch whose rise is less than half its sp … English World dictionary