- superfuse
- [͵s(j)u:pəʹfju:z] v
1. 1) переливать2) переливаться2. 1) брызгать; обливать2) кропить святой водой (у баптистов)3. хим. переохлаждать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Superfuse — Su per*fuse , a. To pour (something) over or on something else. [Obs.] Evelyn. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
superfuse — superfusion /sooh peuhr fyooh zheuhn/, n. /sooh peuhr fyoohz /, v.t., superfused, superfusing. Obs. to pour. [1650 60; < L superfusus, ptp. of superfundere to pour over, equiv. to super SUPER + fusus, equiv. to fud (base of fundere to pour) + tus … Universalium
superfuse — To flush a fluid over the top of a tissue. Cf.:perfuse, perifuse. * * * su·per·fuse .sü pər fyüz vt, fused; fus·ing to maintain the metabolic or physiological activity of (as an isolated organ) by submitting to a continuous flow of a sustaining… … Medical dictionary
superfuse — transitive verb Etymology: Latin superfusus, past participle of superfundere to pour on or over, from super + fundere to pour more at found 1. obsolete : pour 2. : supercool … Useful english dictionary
Operation Black Buck — on the map … Wikipedia
Operación Black Buck — Durante la Guerra de las Malvinas en 1982, el Reino Unido dio el nombre en código Operación Black Buck (en inglés, Operation Black Buck), a la serie de siete misiones de extremadamente largo alcance encomendadas a los bombarderos Avro 698 Vulcan… … Wikipedia Español
superfusion — noun The continuous flowing of a sustaining fluid over the outside of an isolated organ See Also: superfuse … Wiktionary
perfuse — To force blood or other fluid to flow from the artery through the vascular bed of a tissue or to flow through the lumen of a hollow structure ( e.g., an isolated renal tubule) … Medical dictionary
perifuse — To flush a fresh supply of bathing fluid around all of the outside surfaces of a small piece of tissue immersed in it. Cf.:perfuse, superfuse. [peri + L. fusio, a pouring] * * * peri·fuse (per″ĭ fūzґ) [peri + L. fundere to pour]… … Medical dictionary
superfusate — su·per·fu·sate .sü pər fyü .zāt, zət n a fluid that is used to superfuse an organ or tissue * * * su·per·fu·sate (soo″pər fuґzāt) the fluid used for superfusion … Medical dictionary
superfusible — |süpə(r)+ adjective Etymology: superfuse + ible : capable of being supercooled … Useful english dictionary