- superfluous
- [s(j)u:ʹpɜ:flʋəs] a
1. (из)обильный; более чем достаточный2. излишний, чрезмерный, избыточный
this warning was not superfluous - это предостережение было совсем не лишним
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
this warning was not superfluous - это предостережение было совсем не лишним
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
superfluous — superfluous,[/p] surplus, supernumerary, extra, spare all describe what is above or beyond what is needed or indispensable. Superfluous implies a superabundance or excess that requires elimination or pruning {many people . . . found themselves… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Superfluous — Su*per flu*ous, a. [L. superfluus overflowing; super over, above + fluere to flow. See {Super }, and {Fluent}.] More than is wanted or is sufficient; rendered unnecessary by superabundance; unnecessary; useless; excessive; as, a superfluous price … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
superfluous — I adjective additional, adscititious, dispensable, duplicate, excess, excrescent, expendable, extra, extravagant, inessential, inordinate, lavish, luxuriant, luxurious, more than enough, more than sufficient, needless, overflowing, overmuch,… … Law dictionary
superfluous — [sə pʉr′flo͞o əs, so͞opʉr′flo͞o əs] adj. [L superfluus < superfluere, to overflow: see SUPER & FLUCTUATE] 1. being more than is needed, useful, or wanted; surplus; excessive 2. not needed; unnecessary; irrelevant [a superfluous remark] 3. Obs … English World dictionary
superfluous — early 15c. (earlier superflue, late 14c.), from L. superfluus unnecessary, lit. overflowing, from superfluere to overflow, from super over (see SUPER (Cf. super )) + fluere to flow (see FLUENT (Cf. fluent)) … Etymology dictionary
superfluous — [adj] extra, unnecessary abounding, de trop, dispensable, excess, excessive, exorbitant, expendable, extravagant, extreme, gratuitous, inessential, in excess, inordinate, lavish, leftover, needless, nonessential, overflowing, overmuch, pleonastic … New thesaurus
superfluous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ unnecessary, especially through being more than enough. DERIVATIVES superfluity noun (pl. superfluities) superfluously adverb. ORIGIN Latin superfluus, from fluere to flow … English terms dictionary
superfluous — [[t]suːpɜ͟ː(r)fluəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED Something that is superfluous is unnecessary or is no longer needed. My presence at the afternoon s proceedings was superfluous... I rid myself of many superfluous belongings and habits that bothered me. Syn:… … English dictionary
superfluous — su|per|flu|ous [ su pɜrfluəs ] adjective FORMAL not needed or wanted: UNNECESSARY: Charlie gave him a look that made words superfluous. They were superfluous to requirements (=not required). ╾ su|per|flu|ous|ly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
superfluous — adjective 1) superfluous material Syn: surplus (to requirements), nonessential, redundant, unneeded, excess, extra, (to) spare, remaining, unused, left over, in excess, waste Ant: necessary, essential … Thesaurus of popular words
superfluous — adjective /suːˈpɜːflu.əs,sjʊˈpɜːflu.əs,suːˈpɝːflu.əs/ in excess of what is required or sufficient With a full rain suit, I think carrying an umbrella is superfluous. Syn: excessive, extraneous, extra, pleonastic, supernumerary, surplus … Wiktionary