- superdense
- [͵s(j)u:pəʹdens] a физ.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
superdense — ˌ adjective Etymology: super + dense : of extremely great density ; specifically : relating to or being a highly compact state of matter in which electrons and protons are pressed together to form neutrons superdense neutron star * * * adj. * * * … Useful english dictionary
Superdense coding — is a technique used in quantum information theory to send two bits of classical information using only one qubit, with the aid of entanglement. Overview Suppose Alice would like to send classical information to Bob using qubits, instead of… … Wikipedia
superdense theory — noun Big bang theory • • • Main Entry: ↑superdense … Useful english dictionary
superdense theory — /ˈsupədɛns ˌθɪəri/ (say soohpuhdens .thearree) noun the cosmological theory that the universe has evolved from one superdense agglomeration of matter which suffered an explosion; the observed expansion of the universe is regarded as a result of… …
superdense — adj. * * * … Universalium
superdense — adjective a) Having an information density of two classical bits per qubit, made possible by a shared entanglement state between sender and recipient. b) More dense than ordinary matter … Wiktionary
superdense — su·per·dense … English syllables
superdense — /supəˈdɛns/ (say soohpuh dens) adjective extremely dense or compressed. –superdensity, noun …
Allotropes of carbon — Eight allotropes of carbon: a) Diamond, b) Graphite, c) Lonsdaleite, d) C60 (Buckminsterfullerene or buckyball), e) C540, f) C70, g) Amorphous carbon, and h) single walled carbon nanotube or buckytube. This is a list of the allotropes of carb … Wikipedia
Quantum entanglement — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
Quantum channel — In quantum information theory, a quantum channel is a communication channel which can transmit quantum information, as well as classical information. An example of quantum information is the state of a qubit. An example of classical information… … Wikipedia