- supercargo
- [ʹs(j)ʋpə͵kɑ:g|əʋ] n (pl -oes [-{ʹs(j)ʋpə͵kɑ:g}əʋz]) мор.
суперкарго (второй помощник капитана)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Supercargo — is a term in maritime law (adapted from the Spanish sobrecargo , one over or in charge of a cargo) that refers to a person employed on board a vessel by the owner of cargo carried on the ship. The duties of a supercargo include managing the cargo … Wikipedia
supercargo — SUPERCARGÓ s.n. 1. Persoană ambarcată pe o navă comercială de către proprietarul mărfurilor în scopul de a i reprezenta interesele comerciale, a supraveghea transportul etc. 2. Marinar pe bordul navelor S.U.a. cu atribuţii de secretariat şi… … Dicționar Român
Supercargo — Su per*car go, n. [Super + cargo: cf. Sp. sobrecargo. Cf. {Surcharge}.] An officer or person in a merchant ship, whose duty is to manage the sales, and superintend the commercial concerns, of the voyage. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Supercargo — (Supercharché), s.u. Cargador … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Supercargo — Supercargo, s. Cargador … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
supercargo — ► NOUN (pl. supercargoes or supercargos) ▪ a representative of the ship s owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for the cargo. ORIGIN Spanish sobrecargo, from sobre over + cargo cargo … English terms dictionary
supercargo — [so͞o′pər kär΄gō] n. pl. supercargoes or supercargos [earlier supracargo < Sp sobrecargo < sobre, over (< L super: see SUPER ) + cargo,CARGO] an officer on a merchant ship who has charge of the cargo and the business dealings of the… … English World dictionary
Supercargo — Das Wort Supercargo kommt aus dem Englischen (supervision cargo) und ist am besten mit Ladungsexperte oder Stauberater zu übersetzen. Ein Supercargo berät den Kapitän und den Ladungsoffizier auf einem Frachtschiff bei der Beladung des Schiffes.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
supercargo — Personnel that accompany cargo on board a ship for the purpose of accomplishing en route maintenance and security … Military dictionary
supercargo — noun Etymology: Spanish sobrecargo, from sobre over (from Latin super ) + cargo cargo Date: 1697 an officer on a merchant ship in charge of the commercial concerns of the voyage … New Collegiate Dictionary
supercargo — /sooh peuhr kahr goh, sooh peuhr kahr /, n., pl. supercargoes, supercargos. a merchant ship officer who is in charge of the cargo and the commercial concerns of the voyage. [1690 1700; < Sp sobrecargo, with sobre over ( < L super) Latinized; r.… … Universalium