
1. [əʹkju:t] n лингв.
акут, акутовое ударение; ударение, обозначенное диакритическим знаком (')
2. [əʹkju:t] a
1. острый

acute angle - острый угол

acute point - с.-х. острый наконечник (для культиваторных зубьев)

2. 1) острый; проницательный

acute mind - острый ум

acute observer - тонкий наблюдатель

acute man - проницательный человек

2) острый, тонкий (о слухе и т. п.)

acute sense of smell - тонкое обоняние

acute eyesight - острое зрение

3. сильный, резкий (об ощущениях)

acute pain - острая /резкая/ боль

acute pleasure - острое наслаждение

acute jealousy - жгучая ревность

4. крайний; решающий, критический

acute shortage - острая нехватка

acute distress - крайняя нужда

5. резкий, высокий, пронзительный (о звуке)
6. мед. острый

acute gastritis - острый гастрит

acute alcoholism - мед. острое опьянение; отравление алкоголем

7. лингв. акутовый, обозначенный диакритическим знаком (') (напр., café, elité)

acute accent - а) акут, акутовое ударение; б) значок ударения, диакритический знак (')

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Смотреть что такое "acute" в других словарях:

  • Acute — A*cute , a. [L. acutus, p. p. of acuere to sharpen, fr. a root ak to be sharp. Cf. {Ague}, {Cute}, {Edge}.] 1. Sharp at the end; ending in a sharp point; pointed; opposed to {blunt} or {obtuse}; as, an acute angle; an acute leaf. [1913 Webster] 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Acute — may refer to: * Acute angle * Acute accent * Acute (medicine) * Acute (phonetic) * Acute (programming language) * The Acute a band …   Wikipedia

  • acute — [ə kyo͞ot′] adj. [L acutus, pp. of acuere, sharpen: see ACUMEN] 1. having a sharp point 2. keen or quick of mind; shrewd 3. sensitive to impressions [acute hearing] 4. severe and sharp, as pain, jealousy, etc. 5. severe but of s …   English World dictionary

  • acute — 1 *sharp, keen Analogous words: *incisive, trenchant, cutting: penetrating, piercing (see ENTER) Antonyms: obtuse Contrasted words: *dull, blunt: *stupid, slow, dull, crass, dense …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • acute — UK US /əˈkjuːt/ adjective ► if a bad situation is acute, it causes severe problems or damage: »The problem is particularly acute for small businesses. »an acute conflict/crisis/need …   Financial and business terms

  • acute — acute; acute·ness; per·acute; sub·acute; …   English syllables

  • acute — [adj1] deeply perceptive astute, canny, clever, discerning, discriminating, incisive, ingenious, insightful, intense, intuitive, judicious, keen, observant, penetrating, perspicacious, piercing, quick witted, sensitive, sharp, smart, subtle;… …   New thesaurus

  • Acute — A*cute , v. t. To give an acute sound to; as, he acutes his rising inflection too much. [R.] Walker. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • acute — I adjective acer, acuminate, acutus, alert, apt, astute, aware, clear sighted, critical, crucial, cutting, discerning, fine, foreseeing, intense, intuitive, keen, keenly sensitive, knowledgeable, penetrating, perceptive, perspicacious, perspicax …   Law dictionary

  • acute — (adj.) late 14c., originally of fevers and diseases, coming and going quickly (opposed to a chronic), from L. acutus sharp, pointed, figuratively shrill, penetrating; intelligent, cunning, pp. of acuere sharpen (see ACUITY (Cf. acuity)). Meaning… …   Etymology dictionary

  • acute — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of something bad) critical; serious. 2) (of an illness) coming sharply to a crisis. Often contrasted with CHRONIC(Cf. ↑chronicity). 3) perceptive; shrewd. 4) (of a physical sense or faculty) highly developed. 5) (of an angle) less …   English terms dictionary

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