- sunnite
- [ʹsʋnaıt] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sunnite — [ synit ] adj. et n. • 1697; sonni 1653; de sunna ♦ Relig. Qui se conforme à la sunna. Rites sunnites. N. Les sunnites et les chiites. ● sunnite adjectif et nom (arabe sunnī, qui suit les principes de la sunna et fait partie de la communauté)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sunnite — Sun nite, n. One of the orthodox Mohammedans who receive the Sunna as of equal importance with the Koran. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sunnite — [soon′īt΄] n. [< Ar sunna (see SUNNA) + ITE1] a member of one of the two great sects of Muslims: Sunnites approve the historical order of the first four caliphs as the rightful line of succession to Mohammed and accept the Sunna as an… … English World dictionary
Sunnite — /soon uyt/, n. Sunni (def. 1). [see SUNNI, ITE1] * * * Larger of the two major divisions of Islam, comprising 90% of the world s Muslims. Sunnites regard theirs as the mainstream and traditionalist branch of Islam, as distinguished from the… … Universalium
Sunnite — Sunnisme Religion religions abrahamiques : judaïsme · christianisme · islam … Wikipédia en Français
Sunnite — noun Date: 1718 Sunni 2 • Sunnite adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
SUNNITE — n. m. Musulman orthodoxe et qui s’attache à la tradition. Les sunnites reconnaissent Abou Bekr et Osman pour légitimes successeurs de Mahomet … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
sunnite — (su nni t ) s. m. Chez les musulmans, sectateur de la tradition. Les sunnites reconnaissent Abubeker et Osman pour légitimes successeurs de Mahomet. Les Turcs sont sunnites ÉTYMOLOGIE Arabe, sunnyy, orthodoxe, de sunna, loi traditionnelle … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Sunnite — n. member of the larger of the two sects of Islam (characterized by orthodox practice and acceptance of the first four caliphs as legitimate successors to Muhammad) adj. of or pertaining to the larger of the two sects of Islam (characterized by… … English contemporary dictionary
sunnite — sun·nite … English syllables
Sunnite — /ˈsʊnaɪt/ (say soonuyt), /ˈsʌnaɪt/ (say sunuyt) noun 1. a member of the Sunni branch of Islam. –adjective 2. of or relating to the Sunni branch of Islam …