sunday punch

sunday punch
1) спорт. жарг. удар, посылающий в нокаут или нокдаун
2) сокрушительный удар; разгром (противника)
3) решающий довод

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sunday punch" в других словарях:

  • Sunday punch — ☆ Sunday punch n. Slang 1. a boxer s hardest punch 2. any measure most effective against an opponent …   English World dictionary

  • Sunday punch — noun a hard punch that renders the opponent unable to continue boxing • Syn: ↑haymaker, ↑knockout punch, ↑KO punch • Hypernyms: ↑punch, ↑clout, ↑poke, ↑lick, ↑biff, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sunday punch — n. a very solid and destructive blow; one’s best blow. □ Barlowe sent a Sunday punch straight into Rocko’s gut. Rocko’s eyes bugged out; then he crumpled to the floor and wretched. □ Ralph aimed a Sunday punch at Frederick’s nose, but missed and… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Sunday punch — noun Date: 1929 1. a powerful or devastating blow; especially a knockout punch 2. something capable of delivering a powerful or devastating blow to the opposition < saving his Sunday punch for the end of the campaign Newsweek > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Sunday punch — 1. Boxing. the most powerful and effective punch of a boxer, esp. the punch used in trying to gain a knockout. 2. anything, as an armed force, line of argument, etc., capable of inflicting a powerful blow on a hostile or opposing person or thing …   Universalium

  • Sunday punch — Sun′day punch′ n. 1) spo a boxer s most powerful and effective punch, esp. one used for a knockout 2) something capable of inflicting a powerful blow on one s opposition • Etymology: 1925–30, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • Sunday punch — noun A knockout blow; a mighty or devastating blow …   Wiktionary

  • punch — I n. blow 1) to deliver, give, land, throw a punch 2) to pull ( soften ) one s punches (also fig.) 3) to roll with a punch 4) a one two; rabbit; solid; Sunday punch 5) a punch in, on, to (a punch in the face; a punch on the nose) misc. 6) to pack …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Punch — I n. blow 1) to deliver, give, land, throw a punch 2) to pull ( soften ) one s punches (also fig.) 3) to roll with a punch 4) a one two; rabbit; solid; Sunday punch 5) a punch in, on, to (a punch in the face; a punch on the nose) misc. 6) to pack …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Sunday River (Maine) — Infobox ski area name= Sunday River Ski Resort picture= sundayriver.jpg caption= The eight mountains of Sunday River location= Newry, Maine, United States nearest city= Auburn, Maine lat degrees= lat minutes= lat seconds= lat direction= long… …   Wikipedia

  • punch — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. strike, hit, poke, beat, knock; puncture, perforate, pierce. See impulse, opening. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A blow] Syn. thrust, knock, stroke; see blow 1 . 2. [An instrument for denting or… …   English dictionary for students

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