- sun day
- [͵sʌnʹdeı] амер.
«День Солнца» (день в мае, посвящённый пропаганде гелиоэнергетики)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sun|day — «SUHN dee, day», noun, adjective. –n. 1. the first day of the week. 2. the day of rest and worship for most Christians; the Christian Sabbath. –adj. 1. of, taking place on, or characteristic of Sunday: »a Sunday concert, a Sunday picnic. 2. not… … Useful english dictionary
Sun|day|ish — «SUHN dee ihsh, day », adjective. characteristic of or like Sunday: »a Sundayish leisureliness … Useful english dictionary
Sun|day-go-to-meet|ing — «SUHN dee GOH tuh MEE tihng», adjective. Informal or Dialect. suitable for use in attending church; best and most presentable: »Sunday go to meeting clothes … Useful english dictionary
Sun·day — /ˈsʌnˌdeı/ noun, pl days : the day of the week between Saturday and Monday [count] She visited me last Sunday. What are you doing this/next Sunday? = What are you doing this coming Sunday? We go to church on Sundays. [=every Sund … Useful english dictionary
Whit|sun|day — «HWIHT SUHN dee, day; HWIHT suhn day», noun, or Whitsun Day, the seventh Sunday after Easter; Pentecost. ╂[Old English Hwīta Sunnandæg < hwīt white + Sunnandæg Sunday (probably because of the custom of wearing white baptismal robes on this… … Useful english dictionary
sun — an·ti·sun; bo·sun; coun·ter·sun; du·sun; sun; sun·a·pee; sun·bathe; sun·berry; sun·bow; sun·dae; sun·da·ri; sun·day·fied; sun·day·ish; sun·day·ism; sun·days; sun·der; sun·der·land; sun·down; sun·down·er; sun·dri; sun·dries; sun·dries·man;… … English syllables
day — alack·a·day; birth·day; ca·ran·day; cen·ti·day; day; day·ak; day·ber·ry; day·dream·er; day·dreamy; day·less; day·man; day·tale; day·ton; day·to·ni·an; dooms·day; ev·ery·day·ness; far·a·day; fri·day; hal·low·day; hock·day; hol·i·day·er;… … English syllables
Day, Benjamin Henry — ▪ American journalist and publisher born April 10, 1810, West Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S. died December 21, 1889, New York, New York American printer and journalist who founded the New York Sun, the first of the “penny” newspapers in… … Universalium
Sun Ce's conquests in Jiangdong — Part of the wars of the Three Kingdoms Date 194 –199 CE Location Jiangnan region, China … Wikipedia
Day length — as a function of latitude and the day of the year Day length, or length of day, or length of daytime, refers to the time each day from the moment the upper limb of the sun s disk appears above the horizon during sunrise to the moment when the… … Wikipedia
Sun path — refers to the apparent significant seasonal and hourly positional changes of the sun (and length of daylight) as the Earth rotates, and orbits around the sun. To effectively gather solar energy, a solar collector (glass, solar panel, etc.) should … Wikipedia