- sugar maple
- [͵ʃʋgəʹmeıp(ə)l] бот.
клён сахарный (Acer saccharum)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sugar maple — Sugar Sug ar, n. [OE. sugre, F. sucre (cf. It. zucchero, Sp. az[ u]car), fr. Ar. sukkar, assukkar, fr. Skr. [,c]arkar[=a] sugar, gravel; cf. Per. shakar. Cf. {Saccharine}, {Sucrose}.] 1. A sweet white (or brownish yellow) crystalline substance,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sugar maple — Maple Ma ple (m[=a] p l), n. [AS. mapolder, mapulder, mapol; akin to Icel. m[ o]purr; cf. OHG. mazzaltra, mazzoltra, G. massholder.] (Bot.) A tree of the genus {Acer}, including about fifty species. {Acer saccharinum} is the {rock maple}, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sugar maple — sugar maple, adj. any of several maples having a sweet sap, esp. Acer saccharum (the state tree of New York, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin), having a short trunk and long, curving branches, yielding a hard wood used for making furniture… … Universalium
sugar maple — ☆ sugar maple n. an E North American maple (Acer saccharum), valued for its hard wood and for its sap, which yields maple syrup and maple sugar … English World dictionary
sugar maple — noun Date: 1731 1. a maple (Acer saccharum) of eastern North America with 3 to 5 lobed leaves, hard close grained wood much used for cabinetwork, and sap that is the chief source of maple syrup and maple sugar called also rock maple, hard maple 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
sugar maple — cukrinis klevas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Klevinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, pluoštinis, medieninis augalas (Acer saccharum), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. Iš jo sulos gaunamas cukrus, gaminamas sirupas. atitikmenys: lot. Acer rugelii; Acer … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Sugar Maple Cabins and Condos by Wyndham Vacation Rentals — (Пиджен Фордж,США) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 1735 Upper Middle Creek Road, Пиджен Фордж, TN 37876, США Описание: Locat … Каталог отелей
sugar-maple borer — noun : a maple borer that attacks sugar maple and is the larva of a black and yellow beetle (Glycobius speciosus) … Useful english dictionary
sugar maple — noun maple of eastern and central North America having three lobed to five lobed leaves and hard close grained wood much used for cabinet work especially the curly grained form; sap is chief source of maple syrup and maple sugar; many subspecies… … Useful english dictionary
sugar maple — noun A North American hardwood, Acer saccharum, famed as the source of maple sugar and maple flavoring. Syn: hard maple, rock maple … Wiktionary
sugar maple — noun a North American maple, the sap of which is used to make maple sugar and maple syrup. [Acer saccharum.] … English new terms dictionary