- bertillon system
- [ʹbɜ:tılɒn͵sıstım]
бертильонаж (система опознавания преступников)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bertillon system — Ber til lon sys tem [After Alphonse Bertillon, French anthropologist.] A system for the identification of persons by a physical description based upon anthropometric measurements, notes of markings, deformities, color, impression of thumb lines,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bertillon system — [bʉr′tə län΄; ] Fr [ ber tē yōn′] n. [after A. Bertillon (1853 1914), Fr criminologist who developed it] a system of identifying people, esp. criminals, through records of body measurements, markings, coloring, etc., used before fingerprinting… … English World dictionary
Bertillon system — system for identifying criminals by means of a record of individual physical characteristics … English contemporary dictionary
Bertillon System — Die Bertillonage ist die Bezeichnung für ein von Alphonse Bertillon entwickeltes anthropometrisches System zur Identifizierung von Personen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Grundlagen 2 Körpermaße 3 Geschichte 4 Quellen // … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bertillon system — noun a system or procedure for identifying persons • Hypernyms: ↑procedure, ↑process * * * ˈbərd.əlˌän , bertēyōⁿ noun Usage: usually capitalized B Etymology: after Alphonse Bertillon 1914 French criminologist : a system for the identification of … Useful english dictionary
Bertillon system — noun Etymology: Alphonse Bertillon died 1914 French criminologist Date: 1893 a system for identifying persons based on bodily measurements, photographs, and notation of data (as markings, color, and thumb line impressions) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bertillon system — a system of identifying persons, esp. criminals, by a record of individual physical measurements and peculiarities. [1895 1900; named after A. BERTILLON] * * * … Universalium
Bertillon system — Ber′til•lon sys tem [[t]ˈbɜr tiˌyɔ̃[/t]] n. ant soc a system of identifying persons by a record of individual body measurements and peculiarities • Etymology: 1895–1900; after Alphonse Bertillon (1853–1914), French anthropologist … From formal English to slang
Bertillon system — /ˈbɜtələn ˌsɪstəm/ (say bertuhluhn .sistuhm) noun a system of identifying persons, especially criminals, by a record of individual physical measurements and peculiarities. {named after the inventor, Alphonse Bertillon, 1853–1914, French… …
Bertillon system — /bartiyown sistam/ A method of anthropometry (q.v.), once used for the identification of criminals and other persons, consisting of the taking and recording of a system of numerous, minute, and uniform measurements of various parts of the human… … Black's law dictionary
Bertillon system — /bartiyown sistam/ A method of anthropometry (q.v.), once used for the identification of criminals and other persons, consisting of the taking and recording of a system of numerous, minute, and uniform measurements of various parts of the human… … Black's law dictionary