- subvariety
- [ʹsʌbvə͵raıətı] n бот.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Subvariety — Sub va*ri e*ty, n.; pl. { ties}. A subordinate variety, or a division of a variety. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Subvariety — In botanical nomenclature, a subvariety ( subvarietas ) is a taxonomic rank below that of variety ( varietas ) but above that of form ( forma ): it is an infraspecific taxon. Its name consists of three parts: a genus name, a specific epithet and… … Wikipedia
subvariety — n., pl. subvarieties. * * * … Universalium
subvariety — noun a rank below that of variety … Wiktionary
subvariety — sub·variety … English syllables
subvariety — sub va•ri′e•ty n. pl. ties … From formal English to slang
subvariety — “+ noun Etymology: sub + variety : a minor variety or strain in a more general one : a subdivision (as a strain or line) of a variety … Useful english dictionary
-ties — Subvariety Sub va*ri e*ty, n.; pl. { ties}. A subordinate variety, or a division of a variety. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chow ring — In algebraic geometry, the Chow ring (named after W. L. Chow) of an algebraic variety is an algebraic geometric analogue of the cohomology ring of the variety considered as a topological space: its elements are formed out of actual subvarieties… … Wikipedia
Variety (universal algebra) — This article is about a class of algebraic structures of the same signature. For the set of solutions to a system of polynomial equations, see Algebraic variety. In mathematics, specifically universal algebra, a variety of algebras is the class… … Wikipedia
Exceptional divisor — In mathematics, specifically algebraic geometry, an exceptional divisor for a regular map f: X ightarrow Y of varieties is a kind of large subvariety of X which is crushed by f, in a certain definite sense.More precisely, suppose that f: X… … Wikipedia