Смотреть что такое "subtile" в других словарях:
Subtile — Sub tile, a. [L. subtilis. See {Subtile}.] 1. Thin; not dense or gross; rare; as, subtile air; subtile vapor; a subtile medium. [1913 Webster] 2. Delicately constituted or constructed; nice; fine; delicate; tenuous; finely woven. A sotil… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
SUBTILE — apud Ecclesiae Rom. Scriptores vestis Subdiaconorum est, quae et Strictatunica et Turicella, vide ibi, appellatur. Durandus Ration l. 3. c. 30. Tunica, quae alibi Subtile, in lege vero ποδήρης. Canonicis Regularibus illam tribuit Io. Buschius,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
subtile — index imponderable, subtle (refined) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
subtile — late 14c., clever, dexterous, from O.Fr. subtil (14c.), from L. subtilis fine, thin, delicate (see SUBTLE (Cf. subtle)). A Latinized refashioning of the French source of subtle … Etymology dictionary
subtile — [sut′ l, sub′til] adj. [ME < MFr subtil, altered (infl. by L) < OFr soutil: see SUBTLE] now rare var. of SUBTLE subtilely adv. subtileness n. subtilty n. pl. subtilities subtility [səb til′ə tē] … English World dictionary
subtile — ● subtil, subtile adjectif (latin subtilis) Qui a une grande finesse d esprit et de l ingéniosité : Un négociateur subtil. Intelligence subtile. Qui manifeste une habileté poussée parfois jusqu à l excès : Recourir à de subtiles arguties. Qui est … Encyclopédie Universelle
subtile — adjective (subtiler; subtilest) Etymology: Middle English subtile, sotil subtle Date: 14th century 1. subtle, elusive < a subtile aroma > 2. a. cunning, crafty b. sagacious, discerning … New Collegiate Dictionary
subtile — subtilely, adv. subtileness, n. /sut l, sub til/, adj., subtiler, subtilest. subtle. [1325 75; ME < L subtilis fine (orig. of fabric), equiv. to sub SUB + tilis, akin to tela cloth on a loom, loom ( < *teksla, deriv. of texere to weave; see… … Universalium
subtile — sub·tile (sutґəl) [L. subtilis] keen and acute … Medical dictionary
subtile — Synonyms and related words: Byzantine, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, acute, adulterated, air built, airy, arch, artful, astute, attenuate, attenuated, cagey, calculating, canny, chimerical, clever, cloud built, crafty, cunning, cut, cute, dainty,… … Moby Thesaurus
subtile — Dure … Le nouveau dictionnaire complet du jargon de l'argot