- substitutive
- [ʹsʌbstıtju:tıv] a
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Substitutive — Sub sti*tu tive, a. [Cf. F. substitutif, L. substitutivus conditional.] Tending to afford or furnish a substitute; making substitution; capable of being substituted. Bp. Wilkins. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
substitutive — index convertible, disjunctive (alternative) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
substitutive — [sub′stə to͞ot΄iv, sub′tyo͞ot΄iv] adj. [LL substitutivus] 1. of or having to do with substitution 2. being or capable of being a substitute substitutively adv … English World dictionary
substitutive — ● substitutif, substitutive adjectif Formation substitutive, processus de formation des symptômes propres aux psychonévroses en tant qu ils viennent à la place du procès pulsionnel par la voie du refoulement et du retour du refoulé. ● substitutif … Encyclopédie Universelle
substitutive — sub·sti·tu·tive səb stə .t(y)üt iv adj serving or suitable as a substitute <substitutive behavior> sub·sti·tu·tive·ly adv * * * sub·sti·tu·tive (sub″tĭ tooґtiv) bringing about a change or substitution … Medical dictionary
substitutive — substitute ► NOUN 1) a person or thing acting or serving in place of another. 2) a sports player eligible to replace another after a match has begun. ► VERB 1) use, add, or serve in place of. 2) replace with another. 3) replace (a sports player)… … English terms dictionary
substitutive therapy — substitutive medication … Medical dictionary
Substitutive Nomenklatur — Die substitutive Nomenklatur ist ein Nomenklaturtyp der chemischen Nomenklatur, bei der sich die Substituenten bzw. funktionellen Gruppen entweder als Vorsilben (Präfixe) oder als Endungen (Suffixe) im Namen der Gesamtverbindung wiederfinden. Die … Deutsch Wikipedia
substitutive names — pakaitiniai pavadinimai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Cheminių junginių pavadinimai, iš kurių matyti, kad vandenilis yra pakeistas kitu atomu arba grupe. atitikmenys: angl. substitutive names rus. заместительные названия ryšiai: sinonimas… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
substitutive — adjective Date: 1668 serving or suitable as a substitute • substitutively adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
substitutive — substitutively, adv. /sub sti tooh tiv, tyooh /, adj. 1. serving as or capable of serving as a substitute. 2. pertaining to or involving substitution. [1590 1600; SUBSTITUTE + IVE] * * * … Universalium