
1. [ʹsʌbstəntıv] n грам.
имя существительное
2. [ʹsʌbstəntıv,səbʹstæntıv] a
1. книжн. реальный, существующий, действительный

substantive law - юр. материальное право, материально-правовой закон

2. существенный, связанный с существом (дела и т. п.)

substantive issues - вопросы, связанные с существом дела; существенные вопросы (в отличие от процедурных)

substantive motion - предложение по существу (обсуждаемого вопроса)

substantive question - дип. вопрос существа

substantive provisions - резолютивная /оперативная/ часть (документа)

substantive articles of the treaty - основные статьи договора

substantive rank - воен. действительное звание (в отличие от временного)

3. 1) книжн. прочный, основательный, солидный; постоянный
2) значительный, существенный

a poem of substantive length - довольно длинное стихотворение

4. книжн. самостоятельный, независимый

a substantive being - самостоятельное существо

substantive existence - независимое существование

his substantive position as a judge - его независимое положение в качестве судьи

5. грам. субстантивный

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Смотреть что такое "substantive" в других словарях:

  • substantive — sub·stan·tive / səb stən tiv/ adj 1: of or relating to a matter of substance as opposed to form or procedure a substantive issue the substantive instructions to the jury was dismissed on procedural and substantive grounds compare procedural …   Law dictionary

  • Substantive — Sub stan*tive, a. [L. substantivus: cf. F. substantif.] 1. Betokening or expressing existence; as, the substantive verb, that is, the verb to be. [1913 Webster] 2. Depending on itself; independent. [1913 Webster] He considered how sufficient and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Substantive — may refer to:In grammar: * a noun substantive, now also called simply noun * a verb substantive, a verb like English be when expressing existence (in contrast to use as a copula)In law: * a matter of substance as opposed to a matter of procedure… …   Wikipedia

  • substantive — [sub′stən tiv, səb stan′tiv] adj. [LME < LL substantivus < L substantia: see SUBSTANCE] 1. existing independently; not dependent upon or subordinate to another 2. of considerable amount or quantity; substantial 3. having a real existence;… …   English World dictionary

  • Substantive — Sub stan*tive, n. [Cf. F. substantif.] (Gram.) A noun or name; the part of speech which designates something that exists, or some object of thought, either material or immaterial; as, the words man, horse, city, goodness, excellence, are… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Substantive — Sub stan*tive, v. t. To substantivize. [R.] Cudworth. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • substantive — (adj.) late 15c., standing by itself, from O.Fr. substantif, from L.L. substantivum, neut. of L. substantivus of substance or being, from substantia (see SUBSTANCE (Cf. substance)). The grammatical term (late 14c.) was introduced by the French to …   Etymology dictionary

  • substantive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having a firm basis in reality and so important or meaningful. 2) having a separate and independent existence. 3) (of law) defining rights and duties as opposed to giving the rules by which such things are established. ► NOUN… …   English terms dictionary

  • substantive — I. noun Etymology: Middle English substantif, from Anglo French sustentif, from sustentif, adjective, having or expressing substance, from Late Latin substantivus, from Latin substantia Date: 14th century noun; broadly a word or word group… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • substantive — substantial, substantive Substantial is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable and substantive with the stress on the first syllable or occasionally the second. Both words mean ‘having substance’, but substantial is the word in general …   Modern English usage

  • substantive — I UK [səbˈstæntɪv] / US [ˈsʌbstəntɪv] adjective formal * 1) important or serious, or referring to the most important or serious issues The family appeared at the press conference but made no substantive comments. 2) large in amount, degree, or… …   English dictionary

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