- subsoil
- 1. [ʹsʌbsɔıl] n
1) геол. недра
subsoil assets - подземные богатства, богатства недр
2) с.-х. подпочва2. [ʹsʌbsɔıl] vsubsoil plough - почвоуглубитель
глубоко пахать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
subsoil assets - подземные богатства, богатства недр
subsoil plough - почвоуглубитель
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Subsoil — (also called substrata) is the layer of soil under the topsoil on the surface of the ground. The subsoil may include substances such as clay and has only been partially broken down by air, sunlight, water etc., to produce true soil. Below the… … Wikipedia
Subsoil — Sub soil , n. The bed, or stratum, of earth which lies immediately beneath the surface soil. [1913 Webster] {Subsoil plow}, a plow having a share and standard but no moldboard. It follows in the furrow made by an ordinary plow, and loosens the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Subsoil — Sub soil , v. t. To turn up the subsoil of. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
subsoil — [sub′soil΄] n. the layer of soil beneath the topsoil vt. to stir or turn up the subsoil of subsoiler n … English World dictionary
subsoil — (n.) 1799, from SUB (Cf. sub ) + SOIL (Cf. soil) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
subsoil — ► NOUN ▪ the soil lying immediately under the surface soil … English terms dictionary
subsoil — /sub soyl /, n. the bed or stratum of earth or earthy material immediately under the surface soil. Also called undersoil. [1790 1800; SUB + SOIL1] * * * Layer (stratum) of earth immediately below the surface soil, consisting predominantly of… … Universalium
subsoil — [[t]sʌ̱bsɔɪl[/t]] N UNCOUNT: also a N The subsoil is a layer of earth that is just below the surface soil but above hard rock. ...the chalk subsoil on the site … English dictionary
subsoil — /ˈsʌbsɔɪl / (say subsoyl) noun 1. the bed or stratum of earth or earthy material immediately under the surface soil; undersoil; substratum. –verb (t) 2. to plough (land) so as to break up part of the subsoil. –verb (i) 3. to subsoil land. {sub +… …
subsoil — I. noun Date: 1796 the stratum of weathered material that underlies the surface soil II. transitive verb Date: 1840 to turn, break, or stir the subsoil of • subsoiler noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
subsoil — noun the soil lying immediately under the surface soil. verb [usu. as noun subsoiling] plough (land) so as to cut into the subsoil. Derivatives subsoiler noun … English new terms dictionary