
[səbʹskraıb] v
1. жертвовать деньги по подписке

to subscribe 10 - пожертвовать 10 фунтов

to subscribe for an amount of ... - подписаться на /пожертвовать/ такую-то сумму

the sum needed was subscribed several times over - подписка в несколько раз превысила нужную сумму

to subscribe towards a wedding gift for smb. - делать взнос на приобретение свадебного подарка кому-л.

2. (to)
1) подписываться, приобретать по подписке

to subscribe to a loan - подписаться на заём

to subscribe to a newspaper - подписаться на газету

to subscribe for a book [for shares] - подписаться на книгу [на акции]

he subscribes to a number of journals concerned with his subject - он выписывает ряд журналов по своей специальности

2) подписать (кого-л.); выписать (для кого-л.)

to subscribe smb. to a newspaper [to a magazine] - подписать кого-л. на газету [на журнал]

3) абонировать

to subscribe to a box [to a stall] - абонировать ложу [кресло в партере]

4) записываться

to subscribe to a library - записываться в (платную) библиотеку

3. (to) соглашаться, присоединяться (к чему-л.)

to subscribe to an opinion - согласиться с мнением

to subscribe to a proposal - присоединиться к предложению

I can't subscribe to that statement - я не могу поддержать это положение

a view to which I never subscribed - взгляд, которого я никогда не разделял

4. редк. подписывать (документ), ставить свою подпись

to subscribe one's name to a document - подписать документ, поставить свою подпись под документом

I subscribe myself your humble servant - (я) остаюсь вашим покорным слугой (в конце письма)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subscribe" в других словарях:

  • subscribe — sub‧scribe [səbˈskraɪb] verb 1. [intransitive] to pay money regularly in order to have a newspaper or magazine sent to you, or to receive a broadcasting, telephone, or Internet service: subscribe to • Which Internet Service Provider do you… …   Financial and business terms

  • subscribe — sub·scribe /səb skrīb/ vb sub·scribed, sub·scrib·ing [Latin subscribere, literally, to write beneath, from sub under + scribere to write] vt 1: to write (one s name) underneath or at the end of a document we now subscribe our names as witnesses W …   Law dictionary

  • — …   Википедия

  • Subscribe — Sub*scribe , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Subscribed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Subscribing}.] [L. subscribere, subscriptum; sub under + scribere to write: cf. F. souscrire. See {Scribe}.] 1. To write underneath, as one s name; to sign (one s name) to a document …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • subscribe to — arrange to receive something, especially a periodical, regularly by paying in advance. → subscribe subscribe to feel agreement with (an idea or proposal). → subscribe …   English new terms dictionary

  • subscribe — ► VERB 1) (often subscribe to) arrange to receive something, especially a periodical regularly by paying in advance. 2) (subscribe to) contribute (a sum of money) to a project or cause. 3) apply to participate in. 4) (subscribe to) express… …   English terms dictionary

  • Subscribe — Sub*scribe , v. i. 1. To sign one s name to a letter or other document. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To give consent to something written, by signing one s name; hence, to assent; to agree. [1913 Webster] So spake, so wished, much humbled Eve; but… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • subscribe to — (something) to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory. I subscribe to the notion of lying down when the urge to exercise strikes me …   New idioms dictionary

  • subscribe — [v1] pay for use; contribute advocate, ante up*, buy, chip in*, come through*, consent, donate, do one’s part*, endorse, enroll, give, grant, ink*, make a deal*, offer, pitch in*, pledge, promise, put up*, register, second, set, sign, signature,… …   New thesaurus

  • subscribe — [səb skrīb′] vt. subscribed, subscribing [ME subscriben < L subscribere: see SUB & SCRIBE] 1. to sign (one s name) at the end of a document, etc. 2. to write one s signature on (a document, etc.) as an indication of consent, approval,… …   English World dictionary

  • subscribe to — index abide, accede (concede), advocate, agree (comply), assent, assure (insure) …   Law dictionary

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